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How to apply

How to fill in the online application form

Please do not use smartphones or tablets to fill the Application form, since it may cause errors. If technical problems occur during the Online procedure, please mail to

Checklist of what to do:

  1. Fill in the form completely and carefully
  2. Indicate all your names and surnames (as they are printed in your identity documents).
    When you enter names and addresses , please use the English or Italian alphabet and do not use special characters. If names or addresses contain special characters, please use the following characters in place of them:

    • a instead of °á,â,ã,ä,å,ă,ą
    • e instead of è,é,ê,ë,ę,ě
    • i instead of ì,í,î,ï,ĩ,ī,ĭ
    • o instead of ò,ó,ô,õ,ō,ŏ,ő,ǿ
    • u instead of ù,ú,û,ũ,ū,ŭ,ů
    • c instead of ç,ĉ,ċ,č
    • n instead of ñ,ň,ń
    • l instead of ł
    • oe instead of ö
    • ss instead of ß
    • ue instead of ü

  3. If in the list included in the Application form, you don’t find the name of your place of birth, select the option "Others, as indicated in the copy of my identity documents" and send the copy of a valid identity document (Passport or identity card), attached to the complete Application Form.

  4. Check the correctness of the e-mail address you indicate in your Application Form, since all official communications will be sent to you by e-mail.

At the end of data entry, two options are available:

  1. Data Confirmation
    if you select this option, you create the definitive version of your Application Form and your data are registered in the Erasmus + Incoming database of UniGe. No more changes can be done through the Online procedure, if changes occur, you have to contact directly the International Mobility Office
  2. Cancel
    if you select this option, all data you inserted will be deleted and a new online procedure has to be started.

N.B. If you don’t confirm the application, your data won’t be registered in the UniGe Erasmus + Incoming database.

Attach a draft of your Learning agreement

Please also attach to the Application form a draft of Learning Agreement. It will be forwarded to the School member in charge of the exchange.

After confirmation

  1. After confirmation, two options are available:
    • save: if you want to save a PDF version of your application form on your computer
    • print: if you want to print the application form

  2. Once saved or printed, the application form has to be signed and stamped by your home University

  3. The signed and stamped application form has to be sent only via email to the address directly by the International Office of your home University.
    N.B. Email sent by unofficial email addresses or students’ addresses (,…) won’t be considered

  4. The complete Application Form sent by e-mail by your home University, has to be received by the International Mobility Office.