CODICE 90317 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2016/2017 CFU 5 cfu anno 1 INTERNET AND MULTIMEDIA ENGINEERING - INGEGNERIA DELL'INTERNET E DELLA MULTIMEDIALITÀ (LM-27) - SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE ING-INF/02 LINGUA Inglese SEDE PERIODO 2° Semestre MODULI Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ANTENNAS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPAGATION PRESENTAZIONE OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI The course provides knowledge and skills concerning antennas and guided electromagnetic propagation, with reference to both their working principles and their use in different applicative fields. The following main topics will be addressed. Fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation and antenna parameters. Linear antennas, aperture antennas, reflector antennas, printed antennas. Antenna Arrays. MIMO systems for multimedia communications. Smart and reconfigurable antennas. Wide band antennas for high–speed internet links. Antenna systems for industrial, civil and biomedical applications. Fundamentals of guided propagation. Longitudinal-transverse decompositions of Maxwell's equations, TEM, TE, TM modes, rectangular waveguides, higher TE and TM modes, operating bandwidth, power transfer an attenuation, group velocity in waveguides, reflection model of waveguide propagation, dielectric slab guides. Oblique incidence and Snel's laws, Zenneck surface wave, surface plasmons. Plasmonic waveguides, plasmonic and oscillatory modes, MDM and DMD configurations. RFID technology, active and passive RFID tags, plasmonic RFID. DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI GIAN LUIGI GRAGNANI Commissione d'esame GIAN LUIGI GRAGNANI (Presidente) ANDREA RANDAZZO (Presidente e Coordinatore di corso integrato)