CODICE 65887 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2016/2017 CFU 6 cfu anno 1 ENERGY ENGINEERING (LM-30) - SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE ING-IND/33 LINGUA Inglese SEDE PERIODO 2° Semestre MODULI Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI The course is designed to provide the theoretical and methodological skills necessary for the understanding of the most important problems of modern electrical power systems, with particular reference to the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and the impact that the change in the characteristics of the generating units determines in the electrical network management. The course, with strong interactive features, is proposed to support theoretical lectures with a large "experiential" part in which, through the use of dedicated software, the student can apply personally what learnt during the theoretical explanations. PROGRAMMA/CONTENUTO The structure of the overall power electric system (transmission networks, distribution networks, utilization) Overview of the main traditional components of the electrical system (generators, transformers, motors, transmission lines, breakers, surge arresters) Analysis of steady-state power systems: the Load Flow problem Power System Optimization: the Optimal Power Flow problem; economic and environmental optimization. Traditional power system regulations: the frequency/active power regulation and the reactive power/voltage control Power quality issues: FACTS and custom power devices Integration of renewable energy sources to the electricity grid (photovoltaic and wind) with particular reference to the analysis of standards and grid codes. Development of simple control algorithms for the optimized management of smart grids. TESTI/BIBLIOGRAFIA R. Marconato, Sistemi elettrici di potenza, voll. I e II, CLUP, Milano, 1985. P. Kundur, Power systems stability and control, McGraw-Hill, New York,, 1994. DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI RENATO PROCOPIO Ricevimento: Ricevimento previo appuntamento telefonico. Commissione d'esame FEDERICO DELFINO (Presidente) RENATO PROCOPIO (Presidente) STEFANO BRACCO ESAMI MODALITA' D'ESAME Orale Calendario appelli Data appello Orario Luogo Tipologia Note 23/06/2017 10:00 SAVONA Orale 21/07/2017 10:00 SAVONA Orale