CODICE 95291 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2019/2020 CFU 6 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE INTERNAZIONALI E DELLA COOPERAZIONE 10177 (LM-52) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 1 SCIENZE INTERNAZIONALI E DELLA COOPERAZIONE 10177 (LM-52) - GENOVA 6 cfu anno 2 SCIENZE INTERNAZIONALI E DELLA COOPERAZIONE 10177 (LM-52) - GENOVA SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE SPS/13 LINGUA Inglese SEDE GENOVA PERIODO 2° Semestre MATERIALE DIDATTICO AULAWEB PRESENTAZIONE OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI The course aims to provide an overview of contemporary African history, covering a wide array of political, socia and economic themes. The lessons will be mainly focused on the colonial and postcolonial period, with the aim of highlighting long-term processes of continuity as well as ruptures and historical turns. The course will cover both Sub-Saharan and North Africa, placing Africa in a broad context of trans-regional and global interactions, since the XVth century slave-trade up to the present-day globalized world system. Some of the themes covered by the lessons will be: the colonial scramble for Africa; the birth and development of African nationalist movements; the origin and unresolved issues of the African independent state; the challenge of economic and human development; authoritarianism and democracy in Africa; civil wars and political violence; Africa in the era of globalization. DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI GIORGIO MUSSO Commissione d'esame GIORGIO MUSSO (Presidente) FEDERICO DONELLI FRANCESCO PIERINI ESAMI Calendario appelli Data appello Orario Luogo Tipologia Note 16/01/2020 08:00 GENOVA Orale 06/02/2020 08:00 GENOVA Orale 28/05/2020 08:00 GENOVA Orale 18/06/2020 09:00 GENOVA Orale 16/07/2020 09:00 GENOVA Orale 30/07/2020 09:00 GENOVA Orale 10/09/2020 08:00 GENOVA Orale