CODICE 98218 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2019/2020 CFU 4 cfu anno 1 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY FOR STRATEGY (AND SECURITY) 10728 (LM/DS) - GENOVA SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE ING-IND/09 LINGUA Inglese SEDE GENOVA PERIODO 1° Semestre MATERIALE DIDATTICO AULAWEB PRESENTAZIONE OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI The course aims to illustrate how the design under uncertainty can help in modelling and design of the energy systems. The first part of the course will cover the necessary fundamentals of statistics. Then different uncertainty quantification methods will be presented, starting from sampling method like Monte Carlo and continuing with different approximated methods an overview of robust design will presented, focusing on the application of uncertainty quantification method in optimization problems. In the second part of the course, advanced techniques for Data Driven monitoring will be presented. Both methods will be applied to different case studies. DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI ALESSANDRO SORCE Ricevimento: Su appuntamento. Contattare per mail ( ALBERTO TRAVERSO Ricevimento: Su appuntamento. Commissione d'esame ALESSANDRO SORCE (Presidente) ALBERTO TRAVERSO (Presidente) ESAMI Calendario appelli Data appello Orario Luogo Tipologia Note 14/01/2020 09:30 SAVONA Orale 16/01/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale 28/01/2020 09:30 SAVONA Orale 30/01/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale 18/02/2020 09:30 SAVONA Orale 20/02/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale 16/06/2020 09:30 SAVONA Orale 18/06/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale 30/06/2020 09:30 SAVONA Orale 02/07/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale 14/07/2020 09:30 SAVONA Orale 16/07/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale 10/09/2020 09:30 GENOVA Orale