CODICE 94637 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2022/2023 CFU 5 cfu anno 1 ENGINEERING FOR NATURAL RISK MANAGEMENT 10553 (LM-26) - SAVONA SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE IUS/10 LINGUA Inglese SEDE SAVONA PERIODO 2° Semestre MODULI Questo insegnamento è un modulo di: ENVIRONMENTAL AND TERRITORIAL RISK LAWS AND REGULATIONS: MATERIALE DIDATTICO AULAWEB OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI The course will focus on the system of International, European and Italian environmental Laws and Regulations, also from a comparative law perspective, as well as it aims to provide an introduction to some of the key issues of territorial management in those Law and Regulation. First of all the course is underpinned by the main principles in environmental matter (such as prevention, precaution, best environmental protection and sustainable development). Secondly the course deals with the governance of risk (particularly in respect of natural hazard, various kinds of pollution and emerging technologies), providing students with an understanding of how the law seeks to regulate pollution control, conservation of the built and natural environment, and risk assessment and management, in particular through environmental authorisations and public planning policies. Finally the course aims to deepen the consequent liabilities and responsibilities, in particular of public powers or technicians, according to Laws and Jurisprudence. DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI MATTEO TIMO Ricevimento: Il docente riceve a margine delle lezioni o su appuntamento concordato via mail ( PIERA VIPIANA Ricevimento: La prof.ssa Piera Vipiana riceve previo appuntamento da concordare alla mail Commissione d'esame MATTEO TIMO (Presidente) GIOVANNI BOTTO PIERA VIPIANA PATRIZIA VIPIANA (Presidente Supplente) LEZIONI INIZIO LEZIONI Orari delle lezioni L'orario di questo insegnamento è consultabile all'indirizzo: Portale EasyAcademy ESAMI Calendario appelli Data appello Orario Luogo Tipologia Note 06/02/2023 10:30 GENOVA Scritto 29/05/2023 16:00 GENOVA Scritto 19/06/2023 16:00 GENOVA Scritto 13/07/2023 11:00 SAVONA Scritto