CODICE 108170 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2024/2025 CFU 12 cfu anno 2 MANAGEMENT FOR ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSITION (MEET) 11427 (LM-77) - GENOVA SEDE GENOVA MODULI Questo insegnamento è composto da: DECISION METHODS FOR SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS MANAGEMENT STATISTICAL FORECASTING MATERIALE DIDATTICO AULAWEB PRESENTAZIONE The teaching is formed by two modules OBIETTIVI E CONTENUTI OBIETTIVI FORMATIVI Quantitative analysis for decision making is divided into two different modules. The first module is Forecasting and environmental goods evaluation. The course aims at giving useful tools for decision making both for public and private organisations in the environmental field. The class mainly emphasizes the applied aspects of data analysis methods. The first part of the class focuses on the main techniques for the analysis of time series, such as moving averages, exponential smoothing and autoregressive models. The second part is devoted to methods for the evaluation of environmental goods, with a focus on experimental choice. The second module is Decision methods for systems and networks management. The course aims to explore tools to support systems, networks management, and project management. It focuses on strategic decisions related to network design with predefined connectivity, reliability, and sustainability levels. From the concept of the network to the system one. Queue theory tools will be used to perform system analysis and dimension evaluation thanks to Key performance indexes. Some scenarios analysis will be performed and methods to deal with uncertainty will be introduced. In the project management field, useful models will be studied to plan and control the project activities. Time-cost trade-off analysis will be realized. DOCENTI E COMMISSIONI MARTA NAI RUSCONE Ricevimento: È possibile fissare il ricevimento con la docente contattandola via mail all'indirizzo DANIELA AMBROSINO Ricevimento: Su appuntamento ELENA TANFANI Ricevimento: Mercoledì h.13.00 - Dipartimento di Economia - I livello (contattare qualche giono prima la docente via mail Ricevimento a distanza su Team a richiesta: contattare la docente via mail ( ESAMI