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CODICE 95292
LINGUA Inglese
PERIODO 2° Semestre
MODULI Questo insegnamento è un modulo di:


Come spiegare le decisioni di politica estera? Il corso fornisce gli strumenti concettali per comprendere la politica estera. Il corso esamina teorie, attori e casi di studio di Foreign Policy Analysis



How can we explain foreign policy decisions? The course, which aims to provide students tools to interpret foreign policy, examines concepts and theories of Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). The course illustrates foreign policy by focusing on the decision-making process, investigating the interaction among actors and their environment, and devoting special attention to the influence of domestic factors. The course combines the analysis of theories with a comparative study of foreign policy through selected case studies (e.g., the US decisions to send troops in Vietnam in the 1960s and to invade Iraq in 2003; the Italian and German decision-making process related to the military mission in Libya in 2011, etc.).


Il corso fornisce gli strumenti per comprendere la politica estera ed il ruolo dei suoi attori . Gli studenti utilizzerano teorie ed approcci esaminati durante le prime settimane per capire, nel resto del corso, evoluzione e driver di alcune importanti crisi di politica estera, dal Vietnam all’Iraq fino alle missioni militari italiane e tedesche.



Le ore previste saranno caratterizzate da lezioni frontali, active–learning, role-playing e seminari di approfondimento con esperti del settore, al fine di alimentare un continuo confronto sui temi affrontati e incoraggiare la partecipazione in classe. Come strumenti a supporto della didattica saranno utilizzati documentari e blog relativi alle istituzioni europee. Il corso si tiene in inglese 



Il corso illustra in dettaglio i seguenti temi:


  • What is Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA)
  • Theories and approaches in FPA
  • Actors and contexts in FPA
  • Leaders and Foreign Policy
  • Institutions and Foreign Policy
  • The role of media and public opinion
  • Political parties and Foreign Policy
  • Bureaucracy and Foreign Policy
  • Foreign Policy decision making process: approaches and analyses
  • National Security and Grand Strategy
  • Public Diplomacy
  • Historical Analogies and Metaphors in Foreign Policy Analysis
  • Foreign policy case studies (Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, German and Italian military operations, Italian foreign policy and the EU after the financial crisis, etc.)


Testi obbligaotori

Capitoli selezionati (1-5, 7-11, 13-14, 16, 21) da: Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield, and Tim Dunne (eds.) (2016)Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases (Oxford University Press), 


Testi a scelta (2 per frequentanti, 4 per non frequentanti) 

Per esempio, a scelta tra:


Valerie M. Hudson (2005), “Foreign Policy Analysis: Actor-Specific Theory and the Ground of International Relations," Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2005), pp. 1-30.


Hudson, V. M. and Vore. C. (1995) “Foreign Policy Analysis- Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” International Studies Review, 39(2)- 209-238.


Coticchia, F. and V. Vignoli, (2019), Italian political parties and military operations. An empirical analysis on voting patterns", Government and Opposition.


F.Coticchia and J.Davidson, (2018),  “The Limits of Radical Parties in Coalition Foreign Policy: Italy, Hijacking, and the Extremity Hypothesis”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol 14, Issue 2, 149–168.


Balfour & al., Rosa. 2016. Europe’s Troublemakers: The Populist Challenge to Foreign Policy. Brussels: European Policy Centre.


Chryssogelos, Angelos. 2017. ‘Populism in Foreign Policy’. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. (October 20, 2018).


Carati, A., and Locatelli, A. (2017), 'Cui prodest? Italy’s Questionable Involvement in Multilateral Military Operations Amid Ethical Concerns and National interest', International Peacekeeping, 24(1): 1–22.


Dyson,S. 2006. “Personality and Foreign Policy: Tony Blair’s Iraq Decision,” Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 2, pp. 289-306.


Haesebrouck, T. (2016), 'Democratic Participation in the Air Strikes Against Islamic State: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis', Foreign Policy Analysis.


Heffington, C. (2018), 'Do Hawks and Doves Deliver? The Words and Deeds of Foreign Policy in Democracies'. Foreign Policy Analysis, 14(1): 64-85.


Kaarbo, J. (2015), 'A Foreign Policy Analysis Perspective on the Domestic Politics Turn in IR Theory', International Studies Review, 17(2): 189–216.


 F.Coticchia and M. Ceccorulli, (2017), “Stick to the plan? Culture, interests, multidimensional threats and Italian defence policy”, Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 47:2, 183–203 


F. Coticchia, C. De Simone (2016), “The war that wasn’t’ there. Framing Italy’s ‘Peace Mission’ in Afghanistan”, Foreign Policy Analysis,  12, 24–46. 


F.Coticchia and M.Ceccorulli,  (2015), “Multidimensional threats and military engagement. The case of the Italian intervention in Libya”, Mediterranean Politics, 2015, vol 20, issue 3, 303-321, 2015.


Bono, G. (2005), 'National Parliaments and EU External Military Operations: Is there any Parliamentary Control?', European Security, 14(2): 203–229.


Carbone, M. (2007), 'The Domestic Foundations of Italy’s Foreign and Development Policies', West European Politics, 30(4): 903–923.


Clare, J. (2010), 'Ideological Fractionalization and the International Conflict Behavior of Parliamentary Democracies', International Studies Quarterly, 54(4): 965–987.


K. J. Holsti. 1970. “National Role Conceptions in the Study of Foreign Policy,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 233-309.


Steven Kull, Clay Ramsay and Evan Lewis. Winter 2003/2004. “Misperceptions, the Media, and the Iraq War,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 118, No. 4, pp. 569-598.


Chaim Kaufman. 2004. “Threat Inflation and the Failure of the Marketplace of Ideas: The Selling of the Iraq War,” International Security, Vol. 29, No., pp. 5-48.


Stephen Benedict Dyson. 2007. “Alliances, Domestic Politics, and Leader Psychology: Why Did Britain Stay Out of Vietnam andGo into Iraq?” Political Psychology, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 647-666.



Kaarbo, J., and Beasley, R. K. (2008), 'Taking It to the Extreme: The Effect of Coalition Cabinets on Foreign Policy', Foreign Policy Analysis, 4(1): 67–81. 


Mello, P. A., and Peters, D. (2018). 'Parliaments in Security Policy: Involvement, Politicisation, and Influence', The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 20(1): 1–16.


Oppermann, K., and Brummer, K. (2014), 'Patterns of Junior Partner Influence on the Foreign Policy of Coalition Governments', The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 16(4): 555–571.


Schuster, J., and Maier, H. (2006), 'The Rift: Explaining Europe’s Divergent Iraq Policies in the Run‐Up of the American‐Led War on Iraq', Foreign Policy Analysis, 2(3): 223–244.


Verbeek, B., and Zaslove, A. (2015). The impact of populist radical right parties on foreign policy: The Northern League as a junior coalition partner in the Berlusconi Governments. European Political Science Review, 7(4): 525–546. 


Wagner, W., Herranz-Surrallés, A., Kaarbo, J., and Ostermann, F. (2017), 'The Party Politics of Legislative-Executive Relations in Security and Defence Policy', West European Politics, 40(1): 20-41. 


Selected chapters from:

J-F. Morin and J. Paquin (2018) Foreign Policy Analysis. A Toolbox. (Palgrave)


F.Coticchia and J.Davidson, (2019) Italian Foreign Policy during Matteo Renzi's Government: A Domestically-Focused Outsider and the World (Lexington)


Horowitz et al (2015), Why leaders fight (Cambridge University Press)


Brighi, E. (2013), Foreign Policy, Domestic Politics and International Relations: The Case of Italy (London: Routledge).


Kaarbo (2013) Coalition Politics and Cabinet Decision Making (Michigan University Press)


Rathbun, B. C. (2004), Partisan Interventions: European Party Politics and Peace Enforcement in the Balkans (Cornell University Press).


G.Goldstein, (2008), Lessons in Disaster: McGeorge Bundy and the Path to War in Vietnam (Palgrave)


M. Breuning (2007) Foreign Policy Analysis. A Comparative Perspective (Palgrave).


R.C. Snyder et al (2002) Foreign Policy Decision-making (revisited) (Palgrave)


Yuen Foong Khong (1992) Analogies at War. Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu, and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965. (Princeton University Press)


Jervis, J. (1979) Perceptions and Misperceptions in International Politics (Princeton University Press).


Halberstam, D. (1972) The Best and the Brightest (Random House)


Allison, G. (1971) Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Brown)


G. Rose, Neoclassical Realism and Theories of Foreign Policy, World Politics, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Oct., 1998), pp. 144-172


Christopher Layne, Kant or Cant: “The Myth of the Democratic Peace”, , International Security, Volume 19, Number 2, Fall 1994, pp. 5-49


W. Carlsnaes, The Agency-Structure Problem in Foreign Policy Analysis, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Sep., 1992), pp. 245-270


Robert Jervis (2013) Do Leaders Matter and How Would We Know?, Security Studies, 22:2, 153-179,


E. Brighi (2006) ‘One Man Alone’? A Longue Durée Approach to Italy's Foreign Policy under Berlusconi, Government & Opposition, 41(2): 278-297


L. Klarevas 2003, The essential domino of public opinion”, International Studies Perspectove


B. Posen and A. Ross, 1997, Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy, International Security, Vol. 21, No. 3 pp. 5-53


G.T. Allison, Conceptual Model and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Rand, 1968. 


Ahsan I. Butt (2019) Why did the United States Invade Iraq in 2003?, Security Studies, 28:2, 250-285


Selected chapers in ""Reluctant Remilitarisation: Transforming Defence and the Armed Forces in Germany, Italy and Japan After the Cold War", F.Coticchia, M.Dian, and F.N. Moro (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). The book is in the library




Commissione d'esame



GIAMPIERO CAMA (Presidente Supplente)


FABIO MAINA (Supplente)







Secondo semestre,  24 Marzo 2025

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Orari delle lezioni




Esame orale per gli studenti di Scienze Politiche

Per gli studenti di Ingegneria (Strategos) sarà previsto un test scritto e un eventuale orale integrativo, a scelta degli studenti


L'esame accerterà conoscenze dei temi affrontati durante il corso

Calendario appelli

Data appello Orario Luogo Tipologia Note
16/12/2024 12:00 GENOVA Orale
14/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale
27/01/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale
26/05/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale
09/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale
30/06/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale
08/09/2025 12:00 GENOVA Orale


L'insegnamento concorre Obiettivi per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) dell’Agenda 2030:



 “Si consigliano gli studenti con certificazione di DSA, di disabilità o di altri bisogni educativi speciali di contattare sia il referente Prof. Aristide Canepa (, sia il docente, all’inizio del corso, per concordare modalità didattiche e d’esame che, nel rispetto degli obiettivi dell’insegnamento, tengano conto delle modalità di apprendimento individuali e forniscano idonei strumenti compensativi”.