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The Master of Science in Safety Engineering for Transport, Logistics and Production aims at providing to student a high and advanced level of training. The main goal is to enable MD graduates to operate in qualified positions with reference to the various activities related to safety in transport systems, logistics, and production, but also of the territory where they are located, with particular reference:

  • the risk assessment of man-made systems, and in particular the planning, design and management of both safety (protection against accidental events) and security (protection than intentional events)
  • the evaluation in terms of cost/benefits of different design alternatives for risk mitigation in transport, logistics, and production systems
  • the planning and management of the mobility of people and goods, through the knowledge of the fundamental elements of transport and logistic systems, as well as the criteria to define the physical characteristics of isolated infrastructures a network of infrastructures, with particular reference to the relevant functions and interdependencies
  • the design and safe management of transport, logistic, and production systems, with reference to either the systems as a whole, and to the relevant single components, such as infrastructures, facilities, vehicles, equipment
  • the analysis and evaluation of the externalities of transport, logistic and production systems, with explicit reference to the particular safety aspect and issues characterizing each phase of the mobility of people and goods, even within the production plants connected, and their interaction with surrounding environment.
  • the methodologies for the modeling, analysis, monitoring and control of complex systems, including aspects of internal and external logistics of production plants
  • development of prototypal systems for applications from companies or public administrations

Career perspectives

Graduated in Safety engineering for Transport, Logistics and Production


The Master of Science in 'Safety Engineering for Transport, Logistics, and Production' aims at training a professional safety engineer that combines scientific expertise and operational capabilities for planning, designing, and managing complex systems, and the analysis of the impact of decisions about transport, and logistics, and related production systems.


Skills developed during the study:

  •  risk assessment: planning, design and management of security meant as safety (protection against accidental events) and as security (protection than intentional events)
  • planning and management of the mobility of people and goods, through the knowledge of the fundamental elements of transport systems and criteria to define the physical characteristics of the infrastructure, in relation to the functions attributed to them, which are the essential basis for integrating the management of mobility problems in the instruments of territorial government and planning
  • design and operation of transport systems and logistics, including therein the different design techniques, sizing and risk analysis of transport systems, the regulatory details for private and collective transport, the tools for management and design, the basis for control and information to users in real-time, as well as the basis for the assessment of the reliability, availability and maintainability with reference to both the transport system as a whole and its the individual components, such as infrastructure, facilities, vehicles, equipment
  • development and application of advanced methods to managing and optimizing performance and safety of transport infrastructure and services by road, rail, air, and sea, as well as their intermodal interactions, through the design and the implementation of monitoring, regulation, and control systems
  • analysis and evaluation of the externalities of transport systems, logistics and production related to them, with explicit reference to safety issues


Job opportunities:

  • engineering companies and/or large professional firms operating in the field of design, implementation, security management with reference of the transport systems and territorial ; public and private institutions that handle large lines infrastructure (railways , highways, ...)
  • government (municipalities, provinces, regions, port authorities, ...);research structures (universities, research centers, ...)
  • freelance