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L’ammissione al Corso di Dottorato è soggetta al superamento di un concorso che viene di norma bandito in primavera e pubblicato alla pagina relativa. Il Bando di Ammissione contiene l’elenco dei corsi, dei posti e delle borse disponibili nonché delle date, del luogo, della tipologia e dei contenuti delle prove.

I candidati che superano la selezione vengono inseriti in una graduatoria di merito costantemente aggiornata che riporta l’assegnazione dei posti.
I concorrenti che risultino ammessi ai corsi di dottorato dovranno presentare o far pervenire al Servizio Alta Formazione di UniGe la domanda di iscrizione secondo le scadenze prestabilite pubblicate nel bando.

Il Dottorato di Ricerca è regolato dalle norme presenti alla pagina dedicata.

Programme overview


The PhD programme in Economics and political economy aims to provide students with the theoretical and analytical instruments that allows them to understand economics facts, propose theoretical models and conduct empirical analysis at the frontier of economic research. Such instruments are acquired through the attendance of advanced courses, summer/winter schools and seminars organized by the PhD programme, by the Department and by other academic institutions and research centers. Moreover, visiting periods at foreign departments contribute to complete students training in specific fields of interest.

Learning objectives

The PhD programme offers a training on the main economic theories, also with an historical perspective, at an advanced level. Particular emphasis is given to the acquisition of quantitative tools necessary for conducting theoretical and empirical research and to the knowledge of the most common useful software. All courses are taught in English. Main research themes are:

  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Applied Economics
  • Political Economy
  • Econometrics
  • Statistics
  • Economic History
  • History of Economic Thought

Career perspectives

The PhD programme trains professional profiles able to conduct research activity within academic departments, private and public research centers, consultancy firms, national and international institutions that advise government activities and in public and private organizations requiring advanced economic expertise.

Head of programme

International collaborations

  • Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, Ispra, Unit of Counterfactual Impact Evaluation (CIE) of public policies
  • Universitè Cote d'Azur (Nizza)
  • Institute for Employment Research, Norimberga
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Essex
  • Paris School of Economics

Training offer

Dedicated website

For more information visit PHD-EQM