Informazioni 2024/2025 Tipologia DOTTORATO DI RICERCA Durata 3 anni CFU 180 Accesso Test d'ingresso Lingua Inglese Coordinatore GIORGIO DELZANNO Dipartimento SEZIONE INTERSCUOLA DI SCIENZE MATEMATICHE, FISICHE E NATURALI DEL DIBRIS Informazioni anni precedenti
Ammissione L’ammissione al Corso di Dottorato è soggetta al superamento di un concorso che viene di norma bandito in primavera e pubblicato alla pagina relativa. Il Bando di Ammissione contiene l’elenco dei corsi, dei posti e delle borse disponibili nonché delle date, del luogo, della tipologia e dei contenuti delle prove. I candidati che superano la selezione vengono inseriti in una graduatoria di merito costantemente aggiornata che riporta l’assegnazione dei posti. I concorrenti che risultino ammessi ai corsi di dottorato dovranno presentare o far pervenire al Servizio Alta Formazione di UniGe la domanda di iscrizione secondo le scadenze prestabilite pubblicate nel bando. Il Dottorato di Ricerca è regolato dalle norme presenti alla pagina dedicata.
Programme overview Summary Our PhD programme is a three years research degree structured in two curricula: Computer Science Systems Engineering In all these areas, our PhD students are expected to acquire broad foundations on both practical and theoretical aspects, learn how to conduct high quality research, and solve important research questions of a specific area. The research lines can be classified according to the research programmes of our department: Artificial intelligence and Multi-agent Systems Data Science and Engineering Systems Engineering Secure and Reliable Systems (see also the PhD programme in Security, risk and vulnerability) Human-Computer Interaction (see also the PhD programme in Digital Humanities) Science and Technology for Health (see also the PhD programme in Bioengineering and Robotics) Learning objectives Training activities include attending classes, national and/or international schools on advanced topics, seminars, and conferences. Please consult the Activities and Credit System internal page (see also the entry in the left) for more details on research activities of our programme. Phd students have access to all UniGe/Dibris facilities including office and common rooms both in Villa Bonino, Valletta Puggia and Savona, computer and research labs, bibliotheques, and canteen. More than 20 workstations are available at the students of the computer science curriculum in the room 309 of Valletta Puggia. Other workstations are available in research labs dedicates to specific activities in Savona and Villa Bonino. Career perspectives A PhD degree in Computer science and systems engineering opens a variety of career opportunities in academic or research institutions, and R&D departments of national and international companies. Further career opportunities, not strictly related to research, but still leveraging on the role of "innovators", include the establishment of spin-off companies or consultancy. Head of programme Image Welcome to the PhD programme in Computer Science and Systems Engineering. The course conforms to a high-quality international standard, offering the PhD students a large choice of topics, engaging courses and a seminars by scientists of high international reputation. We encourage applications from international students and from students of other Italian universties. The PhD programme Coordinator Prof. Giorgio Delzanno Giorgio Delzanno International collaborations The PhD programme has established agreements for double degrees with foreign Universities and collaborations with several National and International Research Institutes. The PhD programme encourages visits of PhD students to foreign institutions as part of the training programme, for a maximum of 18 months over the 3 years programme. Training offer Teaching activities Read the table with the courses and learning opportunities. Training activities Read the table with the courses and skill-enhancing opportunities. Dedicated website For further information visit PhD Program in Computer Science and Systems Engineering