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L’ammissione al Corso di Dottorato è soggetta al superamento di un concorso che viene di norma bandito in primavera e pubblicato alla pagina relativa. Il Bando di Ammissione contiene l’elenco dei corsi, dei posti e delle borse disponibili nonché delle date, del luogo, della tipologia e dei contenuti delle prove.

I candidati che superano la selezione vengono inseriti in una graduatoria di merito costantemente aggiornata che riporta l’assegnazione dei posti.
I concorrenti che risultino ammessi ai corsi di dottorato dovranno presentare o far pervenire al Servizio Alta Formazione di UniGe la domanda di iscrizione secondo le scadenze prestabilite pubblicate nel bando.

Il Dottorato di Ricerca è regolato dalle norme presenti alla pagina dedicata.

Programme overview


The Joint Doctoral programme in Interactive and Cognitive Environments (JD-ICE) offers PhD candidates an education programme in the field of research related to computer science, electronic and telecommunication engineering. Candidates must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree or equivalent title and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the principles of ICT engineering.

Learning objectives

The programme has three major focuses:

  • the acquisition and the formalization of knowledge in specific advanced domains, achieved through lectures and seminars
  • maintaining in strict touch PhD students with leading research groups in the partner universities
  • involve the student in joint research activities between industry and academy on specific collaborative projects

The programme lasts three years. During this period a mobility scheme ensures that students will spend training/research periods in different universities.
The language of instruction is English. Local language learning and integration in the society will be promoted through ad-hoc courses and university staff support.

Career perspectives

JD-ICE aims at developing and enhancing master students’ knowledge and skills in order to form a new generation of professionals able to exploit (and further enhance) cutting-edge ICT technologies to design and implement, in multi-disciplinary work teams, innovative solutions related to Doctoral objective

Head of programme

11347_Carlo Regazzoni

Carlo S. Regazzoni is Full Professor of Telecommunications and coordinator of the Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments (ICE).

Thanks to the JD-ICE programme, candidates and institutions join forces in the creation, dissemination, and application of knowledge. Through continuous joint supervision, PhD candidates can share their experience, thus mutually enhancing the capacity and quality of research and research training.

Carlo Regazzoni

International collaborations

  • Queen Mary University of London
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Dedicated website

For further information visit JDICE