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Tesi di laurea


Per l'ammissione all'esame di laurea devi aver conseguito tutti i crediti formativi previsti dall'ordinamento didattico del tuo corso di laurea.

L'esame di laurea consiste nella discussione, davanti ad una commissione, di una tesi sperimentale:

  • scritta sotto la supervisione di un relatore
  • svolta in un laboratorio di ricerca universitario o di un ente esterno, pubblico o privato, convenzionato con UniGe

La tesi, corrispondente a 30 CFU, dovrà riportare i risultati del tuo lavoro di ricerca.

N.B. Parte delle attività formative (6 CFU) possono essere collegate con la preparazione della tesi.

Cosa fare per laurearsi 

Se sei un laureando devi:

  1. Scegliere la sessione di laurea
  2. Depositare il titolo della tesi
  3. Compilare la domanda di laurea online entro 30 giorni dalla data dell'esame
  4. Compilare il questionario AlmaLaurea online
  5. In caso tu abbia libri in prestito, restituiscili in biblioteca
  6. Compilare il questionario di valutazione del tuo corso di studi.

Ricordati di:

  1. Controllare di essere in regola con il pagamento delle tasse
  2. Pagare l'imposta di bollo di € 16 per l'emissione del Diploma di laurea (pagabile tramite i servizi on line – pagamento tasse e contributi)
  3. Verificare di avere sostenuto tutti gli esami e le attività formative
  4. Controllare che siano tutti segnati sulla tua carriera online.

Cosa fare per laurearsi 

Se sei un laureando devi:

  1. Scegliere la sessione di laurea
  2. Depositare il titolo della tesi
  3. Compilare la domanda di laurea online
  4. Compilare il questionario AlmaLaurea online
  5. In caso tu abbia libri in prestito, restituiscili in biblioteca
  6. Compilare il questionario di valutazione del tuo corso di studi

Ricordati di:

  1. Controllare di essere in regola con il pagamento delle tasse
  2. Pagare l'imposta di bollo di € 16 per l'emissione del Diploma di laurea (paga qui)
  3. Verificare di avere sostenuto tutti gli esami e le attività formative
  4. Controllare che siano tutti segnati sulla tua carriera online entro e non oltre 15 giorni prima della data della tua sessione di laurea

Proposte di tesi

Syntesis of (Ba,K)Fe2As2 superconducting phase for applications

The discovery of superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors has generated enormous excitement in the field of superconductor applications. Many families of Fe-based materials that exhibit high-temperature superconductivity on appropriate doping have been discovered so far including REOFeAs(1111) (RE=rare earth element), FeSe (11) and BaFe2As2 (122). In addition to having high transition temperature, these compounds have very high upper critical fields, Hc2, making them promising for high filed applications. Among them the 122 family exhibits smaller anisotropy than the cuprate superconductors, making them attractive for magnet applications, because they are expected to have high irreversibility field, Hirr.. Furthermore this compound, in form of wire and bulk, has already shown the best performances in terms of Critical Current Density, JC, in applied magnetic field, maintaining values as high as 104 A/cm2 at field up to 15 T. To evaluate their real potential for practical applications, it is essential to develop a viable wire processing technique. Several groups from China and Japan are fabricating wires adapting the so called Powder-In-Tube (PIT) technique, already developed for the cuprates. However, large work is still needed to understand and solve several issues, both scientific and technological, such as grain connectivity, in order to realize wires with higher performances through an industrial appealing process. Our is the first European research group which is carrying on an activity on Fe-based superconducting wires and we propose a thesis whose aim is the realization of superconducting powders of the 122 family which can be used in the PIT technique for the fabrication of superconducting wires. The candidate will work on the synthesis and analysis of the powders, gaining familiarity whit the use of glove-box and furnaces at high temperature in controlled atmosphere. Moreover, he will be involved on their characterization through several techniques: magnetic measurements by means of a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), structural analysis through X-Ray diffraction, chemical analysis through Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy. Eventually, the candidate will be involved in the preparation and characterization of the first superconducting wire based on the best performing powders. The activities will take place at the CNR-SPIN laboratory and Physics Department.

Referenti: Dr. Malagoli, Prof. Putti
Gruppo di ricerca: Superconduttivita' applicata
Sede: CNR Spin, DIFI
Codice identificativo: 3
Presentato il 19/04/2021
Disponibile dal 01/05/2021

Oriented metallic substrates for Fe-based superconductors

The high field magnets are devices that "cannot do without" superconducting materials. They are used in many fields, from healthcare, in the nuclear magnetic resonance systems, to the plasma magnetic confinement, which is the base concept of Fusion Power Reactors for energy generation, to energy storage systems. Moreover, accelerators for high energy physics push the development of magnets with increasing power. The challenge launched by CERN and China to build, by 2050, innovative accelerators more than ten times powerful with respect to LHC is currently driving the development of superconducting materials with increased performances. High-field magnets are still based on low temperature superconductors (LTS) and nowadays the main focus is on Nb3Sn, with maximum operating field of 20 T at 4.2 K. This value matches the current requests but sets a limit on further improvements. High temperature superconductors (HTS) present exceptional superconducting properties, which largely overcome these limits, but their performances decline fast with the structural disorder and they exhibit large anisotropy in their superconducting properties. Thus, fabrication of superconducting HTS wires/tapes is complicated and requires high cost.
Iron-based superconductors (IBS)have characteristics in between LTS and HTS: relatively high critical temperatures Tc, up to 58 K, and huge upper critical fields Bc2 > 100 T. Moreover, they possess small anisotropy, superior inter-grain connectivity, tolerance to the disorder and simplicity in the sample synthesis. These encouraging properties have pushed the research to explore the feasibility of IBS in practical conductors either wrapped inside a metal sheath through the powders in tube method (PIT) or deposited with textured microstructure on technical metallic substrates, the so-called coated conductors (CC). It has been shown that critical current density (Jc) values of 105 A/cm2 at 4.2K and 10 T, which is considered the target for industrial applications, can be achieved and surpassed.
UniGe and CNR-SPIN institute are partners in a national project PRIN (Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) named HiBiSCUS whose final aim is the realization of IBS-conductor prototypes that meet, in a reproducible way, the Jc requirements for industrial applications through reliable, simple and cheap techniques, as compared to the state-of-the-art technology. This project plans to implement the CC technology in order to overcome the current state-of-the-art. In such a context, we propose a thesis whose main aim is, through an innovative approach, the realization of a technical metallic substrates useful for the fabrication of cheaper, optimized and production-time-saving flexible IBS-CCs.
More in detail, the candidate will work on the development of biaxially textured metallic substrates such as FeNi (INVAR) or Cu alloys. These templates, although much simpler to prepare than the complex heterostructures developed for YBCO-CC, will allow textured growth of IBSs, thus providing CCs free of grain boundaries acting as weak link to supercurrents. He will gain familiarity with the use of the machines for cold deformation as well as furnaces at high temperature in controlled atmosphere. Moreover, he will be involved on the substrate characterization through several techniques, such as structural analysis through X-Ray diffraction, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Eventually, the candidate will be involved in the preparation and characterization of the superconducting IBS-CCs grown on the best prepared metallic substrate. A close collaboration with other institutes such as ENEA, Politecnico di Torino and Università degli Studi ROMA 3 is planned as well. The activities will take place at the CNR-SPIN laboratory and Physics Department.

Referenti: Dr. Malagoli, Prof. Putti
Gruppo di ricerca: Superconduttivita' applicata
Sede: CNR Spin, DIFI
Codice identificativo: 2
Presentato il 19/04/2021
Disponibile dal 01/05/2021

Syntesis of (Ba,K)Fe2As2 superconducting phase for applications

The discovery of superconductivity in Fe-based superconductors has generated enormous excitement in the field of superconductor applications. Many families of Fe-based materials that exhibit high-temperature superconductivity on appropriate doping have been discovered so far including REOFeAs(1111) (RE=rare earth element), FeSe (11) and BaFe2As2 (122). In addition to having high transition temperature, these compounds have very high upper critical fields, Hc2, making them promising for high filed applications. Among them the 122 family exhibits smaller anisotropy than the cuprate superconductors, making them attractive for magnet applications, because they are expected to have high irreversibility field, Hirr.. Furthermore this compound, in form of wire and bulk, has already shown the best performances in terms of Critical Current Density, JC, in applied magnetic field, maintaining values as high as 104 A/cm2 at field up to 15 T. To evaluate their real potential for practical applications, it is essential to develop a viable wire processing technique. Several groups from China and Japan are fabricating wires adapting the so called Powder-In-Tube (PIT) technique, already developed for the cuprates. However, large work is still needed to understand and solve several issues, both scientific and technological, such as grain connectivity, in order to realize wires with higher performances through an industrial appealing process. Our is the first European research group which is carrying on an activity on Fe-based superconducting wires and we propose a thesis whose aim is the realization of superconducting powders of the 122 family which can be used in the PIT technique for the fabrication of superconducting wires. The candidate will work on the synthesis and analysis of the powders, gaining familiarity whit the use of glove-box and furnaces at high temperature in controlled atmosphere. Moreover, he will be involved on their characterization through several techniques: magnetic measurements by means of a Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID), structural analysis through X-Ray diffraction, chemical analysis through Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy. Eventually, the candidate will be involved in the preparation and characterization of the first superconducting wire based on the best performing powders. The activities will take place at the CNR-SPIN laboratory and Physics Department.

Referenti: Dr. Malagoli, Prof. Putti
Gruppo di ricerca: Superconduttivita' applicata
Sede: CNR Spin, DIFI
Codice identificativo: 3
Presentato il 19/04/2021
Disponibile dal 01/05/2021

Oriented metallic substrates for Fe-based superconductors

The high field magnets are devices that "cannot do without" superconducting materials. They are used in many fields, from healthcare, in the nuclear magnetic resonance systems, to the plasma magnetic confinement, which is the base concept of Fusion Power Reactors for energy generation, to energy storage systems. Moreover, accelerators for high energy physics push the development of magnets with increasing power. The challenge launched by CERN and China to build, by 2050, innovative accelerators more than ten times powerful with respect to LHC is currently driving the development of superconducting materials with increased performances. High-field magnets are still based on low temperature superconductors (LTS) and nowadays the main focus is on Nb3Sn, with maximum operating field of 20 T at 4.2 K. This value matches the current requests but sets a limit on further improvements. High temperature superconductors (HTS) present exceptional superconducting properties, which largely overcome these limits, but their performances decline fast with the structural disorder and they exhibit large anisotropy in their superconducting properties. Thus, fabrication of superconducting HTS wires/tapes is complicated and requires high cost.
Iron-based superconductors (IBS)have characteristics in between LTS and HTS: relatively high critical temperatures Tc, up to 58 K, and huge upper critical fields Bc2 > 100 T. Moreover, they possess small anisotropy, superior inter-grain connectivity, tolerance to the disorder and simplicity in the sample synthesis. These encouraging properties have pushed the research to explore the feasibility of IBS in practical conductors either wrapped inside a metal sheath through the powders in tube method (PIT) or deposited with textured microstructure on technical metallic substrates, the so-called coated conductors (CC). It has been shown that critical current density (Jc) values of 105 A/cm2 at 4.2K and 10 T, which is considered the target for industrial applications, can be achieved and surpassed.
UniGe and CNR-SPIN institute are partners in a national project PRIN (Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale) named HiBiSCUS whose final aim is the realization of IBS-conductor prototypes that meet, in a reproducible way, the Jc requirements for industrial applications through reliable, simple and cheap techniques, as compared to the state-of-the-art technology. This project plans to implement the CC technology in order to overcome the current state-of-the-art. In such a context, we propose a thesis whose main aim is, through an innovative approach, the realization of a technical metallic substrates useful for the fabrication of cheaper, optimized and production-time-saving flexible IBS-CCs.
More in detail, the candidate will work on the development of biaxially textured metallic substrates such as FeNi (INVAR) or Cu alloys. These templates, although much simpler to prepare than the complex heterostructures developed for YBCO-CC, will allow textured growth of IBSs, thus providing CCs free of grain boundaries acting as weak link to supercurrents. He will gain familiarity with the use of the machines for cold deformation as well as furnaces at high temperature in controlled atmosphere. Moreover, he will be involved on the substrate characterization through several techniques, such as structural analysis through X-Ray diffraction, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Eventually, the candidate will be involved in the preparation and characterization of the superconducting IBS-CCs grown on the best prepared metallic substrate. A close collaboration with other institutes such as ENEA, Politecnico di Torino and Università degli Studi ROMA 3 is planned as well. The activities will take place at the CNR-SPIN laboratory and Physics Department.

Referenti: Dr. Malagoli, Prof. Putti
Gruppo di ricerca: Superconduttivita' applicata
Sede: CNR Spin, DIFI
Codice identificativo: 2
Presentato il 19/04/2021
Disponibile dal 01/05/2021


ll voto di laurea è espresso in centodecimi e comprende:

  • la valutazione del tuo curriculum
  • la valutazione della tesi e della sua presentazione e discussione

Il voto viene determinato dalla somma di:

  • media pesata
  • 8 punti massimo, così determinati:
    • valutazione dell'esame di laurea: massimo di 3 punti
    • lodi: massimo di 1 punto
    • Erasmus o attività formative internazionali riconosciute: massimo di 3 punti (da 0 a 1 punto per ogni semestre, in relazione ai CFU acquisiti)
    • tempo impiegato per conseguire il titolo: massimo di 1 punto
    • partecipazione a commissioni istituzionali (CCS, Dipartimento, Scuola, Ateneo): fino a 1 punto
    • tirocinio esterno: fino a 0,5 punti

La valutazione della tesi e della prova finale tiene conto delle tue:

  • conoscenze e comprensione dell'argomento
  • capacità di applicare le conoscenze acquisite
  • capacità di giudizio autonomi
  • capacità di comunicare in modo sintetico ed esauriente in forma scritta e orale
  • capacità di reperire fonti di informazione e di apprenderne i contenuti
  • capacità di inserimento in un ambiente di lavoro (interno o esterno all'università)

NB. Se sei uno studente del curriculum internazionale SERP+ devi superare la prova finale entro la sessione estiva presso l'Università di Parigi Sud. Il voto relativo alla tesi ti verrà attribuito dalla commissione per l'esame finale SERP+.

La prova finale è superata se hai ottenuto una votazione non inferiore a 66 punti su 110.

La lode può venire attribuita con parere unanime della commissione sei hai conseguito un punteggio finale maggiore o uguale a 110/ 110.

Ritiro pergamene

Il ritiro delle pergamene di Laurea, Laurea magistrale, di Dottorato e di Specializzazione per tutte le scuole avviene su appuntamento presso gli spazi "UniGe World" in Via Balbi 40-42 r - piano terra (di fronte a via Balbi 5).

Info, orari e prenotazione alla pagina Ritiro diploma di laurea