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The MSc graduate in Engineering for Natural Risk Management


Thanks to the acquired knowledge, the MSc graduate in Engineering for Natural Risk Management is able, with the support of specialists, to carry out planning, programming, management of natural and social complex systems in critical conditions caused by disasters as well as forecast risk scenarios, with tasks of control and supervision of safety, the latter intended as the protection of the integrity of life, assets, settlements and the environment.


The skills of the MSc graduate in Engineering for Natural Risk Management include:

  • observing and understanding the dynamics of complex environmental and social systems;
  • predicting, identifying, analyzing, evaluating and communicating risk, according to the definition of Integrated Risk Management provided by ISO 31000:2009;
  • drawing of emergency plans for the management of natural disasters or disasters caused by industrial accidents and their combination;
  • developing and applying ICT models, methods and technologies in support of all phases of a civil protection process, even in combination with the skills listed above.

The multidisciplinary nature of the program will provide especially the skills for the coordination of the activities of a complex system such as civil protection.


At the national level there is a strong interest on monitoring for the management and reduction of risk associated with natural disasters and climate change, which will require at least for the next decade specific skills.

The Master of Science wants to answer this need. Graduates in Engineering for Natural Risk Management may find career opportunities in:

  • public organizations and administrations;
  • international organizations that deal with emergencies and disasters;
  • international development cooperation;
  • humanitarian organizations;
  • private sector, insurances;
  • professional services;
  • research facilities;
  • operational centers for forecasting natural disasters and decision support.

Attached are some letters of support provided by different entities proofing what indicated above.

Typical career opportunities for graduates in Engineering for Natural Risk Management are:

  • responsible for managing emergencies in public institutions/government (civil protection);
  • responsible in entities involved in the management of emergency conditions (eg. the fire-fighters, Forestry Police);
  • expert in risk monitoring in public bodies and international organizations;
  • responsible for planning the phases of management of emergencies in public bodies;
  • risk expert in insurance companies;
  • expert in operational management of emergencies in international governmental organizations, non-governmental and development cooperation;
  • expert in mapping of hazardous conditions with reference to security from natural and industrial risks working for professional offices, public/private institutions, public administration.

In summary, the course prepares a professional specialized in the monitoring and modelling of complex natural and social processes for integrated risk management to reduce the impacts of natural disasters on people and the environment, capable of operating in all spheres of the civil protection sector, both public and private at national and international level.