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Committees and delegates

Course Council Coordinator

It deals with:

  • convokes and coordinates the committees and those in charge of the various activities of the CoS and also communicates their results
  • convene the Council, whose relations with internal members he/she takes care of
  • analyze the report of the School Joint Committee and bring the outcome of its review to the CCS
  • analyze all questionnaires and verify that the teaching forms are filled out correctly
  • organize initial preparation verification activities
  • evaluate teaching schedules and that they do not overlap
  • propose improvement initiatives to the CoS
  • organize orientation activities and those promoting the CoS
  • organize remedial activities for OFAs

The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep management processes under control.

Course of Study QA Committee

It deals with:

  • compiling and updating within the established deadlines the Single Annual Report Card (SUA-CdS)
  • analyze and compile the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)
  • edit the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitor the progress of proposed improvement activities
  • analyze reports and requests from students, faculty, TA staff consistent with the procedures established by the University
  • disseminate within the LSC the culture of quality education and self-evaluation
  • analyze teaching evaluation questionnaires, evaluation questionnaires of the CdS as a whole, Almalaurea questionnaires, and other information sources (e.g., questionnaires from institutions or host companies of students in internships).

Committee members

Steering Committee (Council) of the Three-Year Courses in Economics-Genoa

It deals with:

  • expressing needs from society and the world of work and culture
  • providing an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training
  • design initiatives for educational offerings
  • strengthen the link between universities and companies operating in the area
  • fostering the entry of graduates into the world of work, including through the identification of required competencies (e.g., soft skills)
  • express the needs coming from society and the world of work and culture
  • provide an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training
  • verify the update of the professional outlets of the CdS

Committee members

  • Representatives of the following companies:
    • ANASF Liguria (National Association of Financial Advisers)
    • ANCI Liguria
    • Hitachirail STS S.p.A.
    • APM Terminals Vado Ligure S.p.A.
  • Bper
  • Banca Passadore & C. S.p.A.
  • Costa Crociere S.p.A.
  • OOCL (Italy) S.r.l.
  • .
  • Fuorimuro S.r.l.
  • Gi Group S.p.A.
  • ISTAT - territorial office for Liguria
  • Liguria Ricerche S.p.A.
  • Manager Italia
  • Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Genova
  • Sinergy Cargo Management Italy S.r.l.
  • .
  • Tonitto 1939 S.p.A.
  • .
  • ANASF Liguria
  • All members of the QA Commission
  • Guidance and mentoring committee

    It deals with:

    • organizing orientation activities with schools and school/work alternation, in coordination with the School Orientation Delegate and the University Orientation Sector
    • organize activities to promote the CdS externally
    • coordinate the activities of reception tutoring and educational tutoring
    • coordinate the in-process tutoring activities, in particular the monitoring of the careers of CdS students through one of its Managers.

    Committee members

    International relations manager

    It deals with:

    • promote and coordinate outgoing and incoming student mobility through the Erasmus+ program or other international programs
    • promote the internationalization of the CdS to foreign countries and faculty mobility.


    Delegate for internships

    It deals with:

    • accompanying students and graduates to the world of work

    Web site manager

    It deals with:

    • updating and verifying the information on the course of study website together with the QA Committee and an internal CdS Working Group
    • check that transparency requirements are met.


    Laura Nieri coordinator

    Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ)

    Verifies the correct completion of the SMA and forwards to the instances involved (PQA and School QA Committee).
