What is In order to be admitted to the degree examination, you must have obtained all the credits stipulated in the education system of your degree programme. The degree examination consists of the discussion of a written or multimedia paper in front of a committee. You must demonstrate: you know how to use sources and bibliography correctly . to have systematic and argumentative skills clarity of exposition design and/or experimental skills critical ability . The thesis may be linked to the activities of the training placement, also carried out in the form of an internship. You must agree on a thesis title with the thesis advisor, complete the form with the provisional title and send it to the thesis advisor. The thesis advisor (at least 5 months before the graduation session) must send the form to the Student Desk to deposit the title. You can write your thesis in English (with title and summary in Italian) or in another EU language but, in this case, you will need the authorisation of the course of study. Remember to upload your thesis QUI, one week before the Degree Session, so that the committee can read your work.
Evaluation If you write your thesis abroad, your course of study will award you credits up to a maximum of 11 CFUs depending on the duration of your stay. For each month spent abroad, you will be awarded 3 CFUs (e.g. three months abroad corresponds to 9 CFUs). The final examination is passed if you have obtained a mark of not less than 66 out of 110.