The course in brief Presentation Basic training grounded in general history, supplemented through disciplines that broaden cultural preparation, provide an interdisciplinary approach and enable a methodological orientation to the sources. The training makes use of the library holdings of the Department's libraries, the relationship with cultural institutions, seminars, meetings and internship experiences at museums, archives, libraries, public and private institutions and ERASMUS stays abroad. Learning by doing Lecture at State Archives of Genoa. Acquisition of knowledge on the typology of archival material and tools for consultation; exemplification on archival sources related to a specific topic indicated by the lecturer. Professional outlets Employment in public and private organizations working in the field of organizing cultural events and ceremonies and in the field of services for professional interviewing and surveying; work as archive and library assistants. Coordinator Image Welcome to the graduate course in History. Stefano Gardini Where we are Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History - DAFIST Educational Secretariat Via Balbi 4 - 3rd floor 16126 Genoa +39 010 209 Faculty offices Via Balbi 2-4-6 16126 Genoa Read more Humanities Student One-Stop Shop Via Balbi 4 - ground floor 16126 Genova +39 010 209 51690website (for info and to book an appointment) You can write to to get information about:. registrations and enrolments; transfers; course transitions recognitions from other careers admission to pathways leading to enrolment in master's degrees (Bridge careers) resumption of studies;suspension and renunciation of studies request for certificates; request for duplicates enrolment in individual educational activities You can write to to obtain information: general information on courses of study. about study plans on applying for a degree. Other reference offices and useful contacts: Orientation Welcome Office Disability and DSA Tax and Benefits Office Internships Office International Mobility Desk Student Representatives Course Committees and Referees Documents and forms Orientation Student Guides Short Guide to Humanities 2024/2025 Student's Guide 2024/2025 Short Guide to Humanities 2024/2025 Student's Guide 2024/2025 Guidelines and Regulations Study Course Regulations Year regulation 2024/2025 Year regulation 2023/2024 Year regulation 2022/2023 Year regulation 2021/2022 Year regulation 2020/2021 Year regulation 2019/2020 A.y. Regulation 2018/2019 A.y. Regulation 2017/2018. A.y. Regulation 2016/2017 Year regulation 2024/2025 Year regulation 2023/2024 Year regulation 2022/2023 Year regulation 2021/2022 Year regulation 2020/2021 Year regulation 2019/2020 A.y. Regulation 2018/2019 A.y. Regulation 2017/2018. A.y. Regulation 2016/2017 Thesis Regulation Bachelor Thesis Regulation Drafting regulations Bachelor Thesis Regulation Drafting regulations Disability and DSA Guidelines for requesting services, compensatory and/or dispensatory measures and specific aids Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded that in order to request adaptations for examinations, they must first enter their certification on the University website at the page in the "Students" section (you will find instructions on how to enter it online in the attachment). The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Department ( Subsequently, at least 10 days before the date of the exam, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam will be taken, including in copy knowledge of both the School Contact Person for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA (Prof. Elisabetta Colagrossi: and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify: . surname, name and matriculation number;. course of study teaching name; date of the call and method of the examination (written or oral); compensatory tools and dispensatory measures deemed functional and required. The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations in the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by informing the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. The lecturer will inform the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if you intend to use concept maps conceptual maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for the study) if the submission does not respect the deadline, there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes. For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the Guidelines. Guidelines for requesting services, compensatory and/or dispensatory measures and specific aids Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded that in order to request adaptations for examinations, they must first enter their certification on the University website at the page in the "Students" section (you will find instructions on how to enter it online in the attachment). The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Department ( Subsequently, at least 10 days before the date of the exam, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam will be taken, including in copy knowledge of both the School Contact Person for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA (Prof. Elisabetta Colagrossi: and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify: . surname, name and matriculation number;. course of study teaching name; date of the call and method of the examination (written or oral); compensatory tools and dispensatory measures deemed functional and required. The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations in the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by informing the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. The lecturer will inform the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if you intend to use concept maps conceptual maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for the study) if the submission does not respect the deadline, there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes. For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the Guidelines. Manual for activating an apprenticeship Student handbook Student handbook Forms Career Request form for change of study plan during the year and for inclusion of exams outside the plan (to be sent to Request form for recognition of further education activities (to be sent to the teachers of the Commission for other credits). Form for end of internship Authentications (exams, registration, degree). You need to be authenticated with your credentials UniGePass to use the service. Request form for change of study plan during the year and for inclusion of exams outside the plan (to be sent to Request form for recognition of further education activities (to be sent to the teachers of the Commission for other credits). Form for end of internship Authentications (exams, registration, degree). You need to be authenticated with your credentials UniGePass to use the service. Student workers . Forms to certify employer attendance at a lecture or examination or graduation . Forms to certify employer attendance at a lecture or examination or graduation