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The course in brief


Philosophical thought is not monolithic: professors from different philosophical backgrounds teach in the degree program, referring both to classical texts in philosophy and to the most recent discussions in the contemporary philosophical landscape. The course offers four specializing curricula that have recently been revamped: Anthropological-Cultural, Epistemological-Cognitive, Ethical-Political, and Historical-Theoretical.

Learning by doing

The teachings are all highly specialist and cutting-edge, taught by experienced lecturers with international profiles who implement active and participatory teaching methodologies, with different learning styles. One can delve into classical texts and get to the heart of the latest philosophical discussions, straddling problems posed by the sciences and contemporary society. There is also the opportunity to benefit from study and research experiences abroad, numerous connections with national and international laboratories and research centers, and a specific research training course (PFR).

Professional outlets

Many students enroll in this course to prepare themselves for the profession of teaching philosophy or the humanities, but they find that the studies they have done can provide them with skills of open-mindedness, flexibility, and critical thinking, which are highly valued not only in academia, for continuation in a doctoral program, but also in different professional fields. One avenue is to follow postgraduate professionalizing internships or master's degrees, with which philosophy graduates can find various outlets, from staff training to IT content management, from publishing to business organization roles.

What you will learn

Curriculum antropologico culturale

Come vivere e interpretare le società complesse?

Curriculum epistemologico-cognitivo

Quali problemi nascondono le scienze contemporanee e le loro applicazioni sociali?

Curriculum etico-politico

Come comprendere e risolvere i dilemmi etici e politici della nostra epoca?

Curriculum storico-teoretico

Come si sviluppano i problemi filosofici attraverso la loro evoluzione storica?


Variety and participation

The master's degree program in Philosophical Methodologies is one of the most diverse courses offered by philosophy majors in Italy. In fact, the course offers as many as 4 highly specialized curricula. The anthropological-cultural curriculum explores the main philosophical problems that develop in connection with the different domains of human culture. The epistemological-cognitive curriculum investigates the relationships between philosophy and the various sciences, with special reference to the cognitive and life sciences. The ethical-political curriculum addresses the understanding of moral and political-social problems. The historical-philosophical curriculum delves into the major historical-philosophical traditions from a plurality of theoretical perspectives. Lectures are almost all seminar-based in nature and active participation is required, including in-class presentations and written papers. Distance learning tools, such as aulaweb, are also used, which will be especially useful for those who cannot attend. 

Skills and abilities

As the title suggests, the course aims to provide mastery of the various methodologies developed by both tradition and contemporary philosophical research. The graduate class is not aimed at training a single professional figure, but aims to achieve:

  • skills in the various philosophical methodologies, from the more properly logical and argumentative to hermeneutic-interpretive and historical-critical
  • ability to grasp the methodological aspects of the natural sciences, with particular reference to the cognitive and life sciences, and mastery of the problems of scientific popularization
  • skills in the field of intercultural and interreligious confrontation and in that of applied ethics, including the political dimension
  • knowledge of the problems of institutional and professional communication and application of information and communication technology
  • competence on cognitive skills in the processes of understanding and execution in different areas of work and research
  • interdisciplinary approach to the study of mind and behavior with emphasis on communication, problem solving, judgment and decision making processes
  • ability to grasp the methodological aspects of the humanities, both in their educational aspect and in the contemporary development that connects them to the use of information technology tools


The course offers the possibility of several internships in agreement with public and private institutions, which complement the training with 3 or 6 credits of 'other' educational activities. In addition to internships and apprenticeships, credits can be obtained through hours of attendance at seminars and conferences, collaboration in experimental work and working groups, passing a computer skills test, or a period of study abroad. 


Maria Cristina Amoretti

The master's degree program in Philosophical Methodologies is ideal for strengthening critical thinking, understanding contemporary cultures, societies, and sciences, and anticipating the future


Maria Cristina Amoretti

Where we are

Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History - DAFIST

Via Balbi 2, 4 and Via Balbi 30 - 7th floor. 

Lecture Rooms
. Classrooms are mainly located in Via Balbi. However, some lectures are held in locations of other Schools, especially with regard to borrowed courses.

The philosophy library is located in Via Balbi 4 - 1st floor.

The venue for official meetings and seminars with students is the seminar room at Via Balbi 4 - 1st floor, next to the Library room. Two other, smaller seminar rooms are located at Via Balbi 4 - 2nd floor and at Via Balbi 30 - 7th floor.

. The Language and Cognitive Science laboratory is located at Via Balbi 2.

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Humanities Student One-Stop Shop

Via Balbi 4 - ground floor
16126 Genova
+39 010 209 51690
website (for info and to book an appointment)

You can write to to get information about:

  • registrations and enrolments; transfers; course transitions
  • recognitions from other careers
  • admission to pathways leading to enrolment in master's degrees (Bridge careers)
  • resumption of studies;
  • suspension and renunciation of studies
  • request for certificates; request for duplicates
  • enrolment in individual educational activities

You can write to to obtain information:

  • general information on courses of study
  • .
  • about study plans
  • on applying for a degree
  • .

Other reference offices and useful contacts:


Welcome Office

Disability and DSA

Tax and Benefits Office

Internships Office

International Mobility Desk

Student Representatives

Course Committees and Referees

Documents and forms

Guidelines and Regulations

Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded that in order to request adaptations for examinations, they must first enter their certification on the University website at the page in the "Students" section (you will find instructions on how to enter it online in the attachment). The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Department (
. Subsequently, at least 10 days before the date of the exam, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam will be taken, including in copy knowledge of both the School Contact Person for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA (Prof. Elisabetta Colagrossi: and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify:

  • surname, name and matriculation number;
  • .
  • course of study
  • teaching name;
  • date of the call and method of the examination (written or oral);
  • compensatory tools and dispensatory measures deemed functional and required
  • .

The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations in the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by informing the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used.

The lecturer will inform the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if you intend to use concept maps
conceptual maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for the study) if the submission does not respect the deadline, there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes.

For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the Guidelines.
