As part of the AFC Degree Course Council, faculty members have the opportunity to periodically engage in discussions with the following representatives of the operational world: Agenzia delle Entrate - Liguria Regional Directorate Italian Association of Financial Analysts and Consultants (AIAF). National Association of Administrative and Financial Directors, Liguria Section (ANDAF) Chamber of Commerce of Genoa (CCIAA) Confindustria Genova Deloitte Italy S.p.A. Erg S.p.A. Marsh Ordine dei Dottori commercialisti e degli esperti contabili di Genova (ODCEC) Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro PWC EY KPMG Tax and Corporate Practice - Deloitte Protiviti Autogas North Enervit S.p.A. Relife Group Western Ligurian Sea Port System Authority Ecoeridania Cosulich Group Orsero Group Banco BPM Unicredit Passadore Banca Profilo Mediobank