Course Council Coordinator It is responsible for:coordinate committees and those responsible for CdS activitiesconvene the CCS and bring in the SUA-CdS, SMA and RCRs for approvalconvene the consult and take care of relations with internal membersanalyze the teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea and other information sources, in collaboration with the CdS QA Committeeverify that the teaching records are complete and that the information is correctverify the contents of the teachingsrevise the educational pathwayidentify and organize orientation activities and promotion activities of the CdS, in collaboration with the Department's Orientation Commissionorganize initial knowledge verification activities and OFA remediation activitiespropose to the CCS initiatives to improve the quality of the educational offerings, relations with students, members of the Council and the outside worldverify the management of class schedules so as to avoid overlappingverify the development of the actions taken and the degree to which objectives are achieved, in collaboration with the QA Commission. Contact Valentina Di Gregorio - The Course of Study (CdS) is equipped with a Quality Assurance (QA) system to keep the management processes under control. Course of Study QA Committee It is in charge of:compiling and updating the Single Annual Report Card (SUA-CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)editing the Cyclical Review Report (RCR) and monitoring the progress of proposed improvement activitiesanalyzing teaching evaluation questionnaires, Almalaurea questionnaires, reports of the School Joint Committee. monitor reports and requests from students, faculty and administrative technical staff compile and update the Single Annual Form (SUA - CdS) and the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA)edit the Cyclic Review Report (RCR) and monitor the progress of proposed improvement activitiesanalyze the teaching evaluation questionnaires, questionnaires from Almalaurea, reactions from the School Joint Committeemonitor reports and requests from students, faculty and technical-administrative staffanalyze the report of the departmental Orientation Committeeedit the educational pathway identify the training demand and training objectivesdevelop the training course Committee members Annamaria Peccioli - annamaria.peccioli@giuri.unige.itFrancesco Pesce - francesco.pesce@unige.itPaolo Comoglio - paolo.comoglio@unige.itFilippo Pessino - (TA)Francesca Bracco - (student representative) Teaching Commission She is in charge of:transition of students from different courses to the degree program:recognition of exams and CFUsrelated paperworkpresentation of paperwork to the Departmental Council and approval Committee members Annamaria Peccioli - annamaria.peccioli@giuri.unige.itFrancesco Pesce - Steering Committee It is responsible for:expressing the needs from society and the world of work and cultureproviding an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for training. designing initiatives for educational offeringsstrengthening the link between universities and companies operating in the areafostering the entry of graduates into the world of work, including through the identification of required skills (e.g., soft skills) express the needs from society and the world of work and cultureprovide an opinion between the consistency of the course of study and specific training activities with the demand for trainingverify the updated professional outlets of the CoS Committee members Annamaria Peccioli - annamaria.peccioli@giuri.unige.itPaola Cermelli - CROAS Vice President - cermellipaola@gmail.comDaniela Giancarli - Direzione Politiche Sociali_Settore Integrazione Sociosanitaria del Comune di Genova - dgiancarli@comune.genova.itDaniela Mortello - Dirigente Area Sociosanitaria Azienda Ligure Sanitaria (A.Li.Sa.) - International Relations Commission She is responsible for:promoting and coordinating outbound and inbound student mobility through the Erasmus+ program or other international programspromoting the internationalization of the LSC through outbound promotional activities and faculty mobility promote and coordinate outgoing and incoming student mobility through the Erasmus + program or other international programspromote the internationalization of the CoS through outward promotional activities and faculty mobilityorganize and conduct interviews for the allocation of Erasmus grants or other international programsevaluate and approve the learning agreements of outgoing Erasmus students or other international programsadminister, in cooperation with the Erasmus Desk, the paperwork for recognition of studies carried out at a foreign universitysubmit to the CCS the paperwork for approval Committee members Michela Miraglia - michela.miraglia@unige.itMauro Grondona - Responsible for internships, traineeships and job orientation It is responsible for:promoting, collecting, and managing proposals for internship/internship activitiesorganizing the collection of questionnaires and opinions of the institutions at which internships and placements have been conducted Responsible Marco Pietro Pavese - Website manager It is responsible for:updating and verifying the information on the study course websitechecking that transparency requirements are met Responsible Annamaria Peccioli - Study guidance committee She is in charge of:organizing orientation activities with schools and school/work alternationorganizing the promotion activities of the CoS to the outside world organize tutors' orientation activities. Managers Antonella Madeo - madeo@unige.itChiara Cellerino - Responsible for coordinating class schedule and exams It is responsible for:managing class schedules so as to avoid overlapping Responsible Departmental Management Secretariat Staff - Tutoring committee He is in charge of:coordinating the activities under the Matricula Projectcoordinating the activities of educational tutorscoordinating the activities of peer tutors Managers Antonella Madeo - madeo@unige.itChiara Cellerino - Responsible for Departmental Quality Assurance (RAQ) Prof.ssa Annamaria Peccioli - Department of Law