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The course in brief


The Master's Degree in Management Engineering is aimed at training a professional capable of designing and managing production and logistics systems, organizing and managing a business, conducting economic-financial analysis, implementing and developing management control, and planning and managing large projects. The training makes use of a strong integration with local, national and international production realities through seminars, visits and internships.

Learning by doing

Next to group work and internships, which are the main tool, practical experiences involve operational activities of studying and formulating actions in the field - at companies - in different fields, from management control to marketing, etc.

Professional outlets

All those private or public areas where knowledge is needed:

  • design and manage production and logistics systems
  • planning strategic initiatives
  • carry out economic and financial analyses
  • plan and manage the innovation process
  • implement and develop management control
  • plan and manage major projects

Did you know that.

Ogni settimana vengono proposti momenti di confronto con le esperienze degli ex studenti

Oltre il 60% degli ingegneri gestionali è impiegato in imprese di servizio e uno su quattro è consulente

Gli ingegneri gestionali genovesi sono tutti occupati in meno di un mese e mezzo.

La formazione multidisciplinare consente di accedere sia alle attività industriali sia a quelle di servizio.


The training course offers both technological knowledge and managerial skills, in order to train a professional capable of confronting the complexity of the industrial and services fabric and, more generally, the economic environment. 

The graduate in management engineering is a professional who knows the principles of operation, design and modeling of production systems of goods and services and logistics systems. To these skills he combines an understanding of the interactions that link technological variables to economic, organizational and financial variables--whether declined at the factory, enterprise or industry level.

The planned teachings provide both modeling and quantitative analysis tools, including a variety of numerical, analytical, computational modeling and experimental methods, and specific knowledge aimed at analysis and problem solving in emerging areas of specialization, such as those related to innovation and change.

For example, the first group includes subjects such as Business Intelligence, Models and Methods for Optimization and Control, and Game Theory. The second group of teachings includes for example Management Control Systems, Innovation Management, Strategy and Planning Systems.


Dear students, I send you my warmest welcome to the site of the master's degree in Management Engineering of the University of Genoa. I hope you will find in it the most important information regarding the course of study. The educational path of the master's degree in Engineering Management is certainly characterized by a primary position at the national level in the panorama of master's degrees in engineering.

Silvano Cincotti

Where we are

Via Opera Pia 15
16145 Genoa
+39 010 335 2080

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Reference for teaching