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You choose a course of study in shipbuilding because you prefer a job marked by production, management and organization of technical and commercial activities, both in manufacturing and service enterprises.

The employment outlets are numerous and mainly concern Shipbuilding and repair yards, Boats and marine vessels, Industries for the exploitation of marine resources, Shipping Companies, Classification Institutes and Surveillance Bodies, Navy technical corps, Professional Design and Expert Studies.

What will you study

The Naval Engineering graduate is first and foremost an Engineer, which means that he or she will have to be able to deal with the problems of designing new systems and be able to continually update his or her education in order to adapt it to the constant labor and technological evolution. 

The overall teaching subjects offered are included in five macro-topics: basic subjects, industrial and civil engineering, naval architecture, shipbuilding, and naval installations; there are also teaching workshops in naval design and naval architecture.

For this reason, the course of study is aimed at the acquisition of industry-specific knowledge needed to design and implement new applications.

The specific teachings of the master's course are aimed at hydrodynamics, safety of naval installations, naval propulsion, ship steering, naval architecture, and shipbuilding.

It is believed that it is essential for the naval engineer to have a broad spectrum of knowledge and an appropriate working method. It is precisely because of this that while the three-year course of study offers a generalist view, where the student is expected to know and reason about the purpose of a product or service, the master's course aims to develop specific, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

After graduation

The Naval Engineering graduate


Who is it?

The Naval Engineer is the one who is involved in innovation and development of production, advanced design, programming and management of complex systems, whether in the freelance profession, manufacturing or service enterprises, or government.

What does he/she do?

The Naval Engineer manages and coordinates working groups by assuming roles of technical-organizational responsibility in carrying out design activities, in the fields of architecture, construction, and naval installations; addresses and solves complex and unconsolidated issues thanks to his scientific and specific preparation.

Where does she work?

Naval engineering graduates will be able to find employment in ship, boat and marine vessel construction and repair yards; industries for the exploitation of marine resources; shipping companies; classification institutes and supervisory bodies; technical corps of the navy; professional and design and expert firms; and research institutes.