The course in brief Presentation The undergraduate course consists of six years, during which, in addition to the basic principles governing the caring relationship between the physician and the sick person, knowledge of the biological basis of life, the anatomy of the human body, its functions under normal and pathological conditions, the main morbid conditions up to the molecular prerequisites of many diseases, and the methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases according to a clinical view of the problems are gradually acquired. Learning by doing Today's medicine requires professionals who can combine scientific knowledge with clinical skills, so theoretical study is combined with intense professionalizing activity also based on simulation techniques. Professional outlets The course enables practice as a medical surgeon. Postgraduate training can continue in a medical, surgical or service area graduate school or in General Medicine courses. The course also provides access to the world of basic and clinical research, careers in pharmaceutical companies, health care management, and science popularization. What you will learn ingredienti del corpo umano elementi fondamentali di chimica, fisica e biologia per comprendere cellule e tessuti del corpo umano architettura del corpo umano l'anatomia intesa come ossa, articolazioni, sistema circolatorio e gli organi dei vari sistemi il corpo umano: istruzioni per l'uso come funzionano i vari apparati del corpo umano: questa è la fisiologia come e perchè ci ammaliamo la fisiopatologia: come le diverse malattie alterano la normale funzione di organi e apparati di cosa ci ammaliamo le diverse patologie nelle discipline cliniche mediche e chirurgiche come si fa la diagnosi delle malattie identificare i percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici per le diverse malattie rapporto medico-paziente: tips and tricks empatia, comunicazione, comprensione medicina e media: no alle fake news le nozioni elementari di etica verso paziente, media e stakeholder con i quali confrontarsi non sempre e non solo buone notizie gestione della comunicazione di prognosi infausta, del fine vita, del rapporto con i parenti maschio e femmina: c'è differenza maschio, femmina, transgender: diagnostica, terapia, posologia dei farmaci diritto a vivere e morire dignitosamente l'allungamento della vita richiede l'attenzione alla terapia del dolore e alle cure palliative non solo medicina medicina narrativa, epistemologia, storia della medicina e antropologia: conoscenze indispensabili Did you know that. Durante il Corso di Medicina è possibile entrare nel mondo della ricerca di base, clinica e transazionale. Puoi accedere a Progetto di Formazione alla Ricerca o ISSUGE Il Corso di Medicina è uno dei più attivi negli scambi con l'estero e propone opportunità nel mondo della cooperazione internazionale e sviluppo Puoi impegnarti in campi di tuo specifico interesse partecipando ad attività didattiche elettive [ADE] Contents The physician today The course trains physicians with a biomedical-psycho-social culture, providing them with a multidisciplinary and integrated view of the most common problems of health and disease: a training oriented to the community, the local area and fundamentally to the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. Physician training must respond to health and treatment needs and consider scientific and technological developments in the field. Specific goals the person: training physicians with a biomedical-psycho-social culture the prevention: educating about health and disease prevention the disease: providing a multidisciplinary view the care: educate on integrated therapies, consider complementary medicines, have sensitivity to interracial, gender, chronic patient, palliative care, and end-of-life issues the research: develop self-learning skills, the proper approach to scientific research and the use of indispensable technologies in clinical practice Course structure The Course provides 360 CFUs over 6 years and is divided into 36 integrated courses, which group together teachings that are homogeneous in content.. The educational project includes: basic sciences: biological knowledge, structure and functioning of the human organism in its normal state for the purpose of health maintenance human sciences: indispensable background of the physician, integrated with demo-anthropological, ethical and socio-economic sciences clinical and methodological medical practice: implemented through the use of tutorial teaching, simulation, case studies and role-playing. Fundamental is attendance in hospital wards and outpatient clinics in the area. research: participation in basic and clinical research programs, both during the course of study and during the preparation of the dissertation The teaching process makes use of the most modern teaching tools. Coordinator Image I am pleased to welcome you to the Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery community. All of us, faculty, students and staff, wish to see your career as a student evolve, developing contacts with your peers and with the teachers you will meet during the course, creating a network of relationships that I hope will be maintained during your professional life. Gianluca Damonte Where we are Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties - DIMI. Viale Benedetto XV 10 16132 Genoa +39 010 353 7282 Read more Student Desk. School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Student Desk Student Secretary. Gilda