The course in brief Presentation The Bachelor of Science in Psychological Science and Techniques provides basic training in the theoretical and scientific knowledge of various psychological disciplines. It aims to develop basic professionalizing skills. It provides adequate preparation for the continuation of studies in master's degrees in the field of psychology. Learning by doing The course combines traditional lectures with: participation in working groups in workshops, research and training groups up to field intervention conducting observations using techniques, methodologies and tools relevant to the objective and context familiarization with psychological testing. Professional outlets The three-year graduate in psychological sciences and techniques, upon registration in Section B of the Register of Psychologists and, if provided under supervision, may carry out research, planning and implementation of interventions in school, clinical and community psychology, and human resource management activities. Did you know that. Dopo a laurea in Scienze e tecniche psicologiche la maggioranza prosegue la propria formazione con il corso magistrale in Psicologia A un anno dalla laurea il 48% circa dei nostri laureati è già impegnato in una laurea magistrale e il 41% circa è occupato Con la laurea in Scienze e tecniche psicologiche e un tirocinio post laurea puoi accedere alla sezione B dell'Albo degli Psicologi Le opinioni delle studentesse e degli studenti di questo corso di laurea Contents Technical psychologist The educational course is geared toward the training of technical psychologists, able to participate in empirical and experimental research activities, planning of psychological and psychosocial interventions, able to carry out psycho-educational interventions for the development of individual and social potential, and to use the tools learned - such as interviews, psychometric instruments, observation, etc. - in individual, educational and social settings under the supervision of a member of the Order of Psychologists, Section A. Students acquire: adequate basic knowledge in all disciplinary areas of psychology skills on the methodology of psychology and scientific research first-level theoretical and operational preparation ability to analyze and contextualize problems from an interdisciplinary perspective ability to conduct field interventions ability to work professionally in the field of direct services to individuals, groups, organizations, and communities. . The degree program was designed following the criteria established by the European Project Europsy and the Council of Academic Psychology (former Conference of Deans of Psychology Faculties). Coordinator Welcome to the degree course in Psychological Science and Techniques. Our community - students, lecturers, tutors and all staff - is strongly committed to combining theoretical teaching with research and professional practice. You will be able to face your training years in a friendly atmosphere, aimed at developing solid human relations, and you will be able to share our enthusiasm for the psychology profession. David Giofrè Where we are Department of Education Sciences - DISFORCorso Andrea Podestà 216128 Genova Read more Social Science Student One-Stop Student counter of Education Sciences+39 010 209 53526sportstud.sdf@unige.itopening hours, services offered, etc.