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The course in brief


Physics aspires to understand nature, its structure and laws and is the basis for technological innovation in many areas. The bachelor's degree involves the study of classical physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism) and modern physics (quantum mechanics, theory of relativity), along with a solid foundation in mathematics, fundamentals of chemistry and programming. In the third year, training is completed with nuclear and matter physics.

Learning by doing

Through laboratory courses you get hands-on experience with the scientific method, use state-of-the-art instruments for measuring physical quantities and analyzing data. The courses offer the possibility of internships in industry.

Professional outlets

More than 90 percent of students who finish the Bachelor of Science in Physics in Genoa go on to graduate studies with a master's degree.

100% (Almalaurea 2016) of master's graduates in Physics in Genoa three years after graduation are gainfully employed. The course opens the way to scientific research, teaching, and a job in industry. Here are the fields in which physicists are in demand: energy, transportation, space and defense, biomedical, computer science, and nanotechnology.

What you will learn

fisica classica

i principi della meccanica, della termodinamica e dell'elettromagnetismo

fisica moderna

meccanica quantistica e teoria della relatività

costruire modelli fisici

offrire una rappresentazione concettuale di un fenomeno

lavorare in laboratorio

prendere misure, analizzarle, valutarne l'affidabilità e interpretarle

problem solving

intrecciare competenze multidisciplinari per risolvere problemi complessi

lavorare in gruppo

studiare, progettare e realizzare esperimenti insieme

Did you know that.

Studierai in un ambiente internazionale a contatto con realtà di ricerca di punta

Potrai visitare i grandi laboratori internazionali di ricerca come il CERN, il Gran Sasso, i sincrotroni di Trieste e Grenoble

La laurea in Fisica apre moltissimi percorsi professionali, dalla ricerca all'industria


Classical and modern physics

The Bachelor of Science in Physics program enables you to become familiar with the scientific method of inquiry and a good cultural background regarding the various fields of classical and modern physics. You will deal with the fundamental laws of physics, and encounter the main phenomenological and applied mathematical models.

Experimental capabilities

You will spend many hours in the laboratory, where you will get an initial introduction to the experimental method. In the lab you will learn to use technologically advanced instruments and to analyze large data sets with the aid of computer tools. The interpretation of results and their presentation is a key aspect of experimental work, which you will learn to approach with a critical spirit and clarity of exposition.

Mathematical skills

The study of classical and modern physics requires an adequate knowledge of mathematics in its fundamental, algebraic, geometric, and analytical structures, as well as of the main computational, analytical, numerical, and simulative tools.

Applied research capabilities

Along with the cultural objectives, the professionalizing objective of the degree program is to provide graduates with adequate ability to work in a variety of research and development fields, in the environment, energy, transportation, medical-health, cultural heritage and scientific communication.


Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Physics!"

Fabrizio Parodi

Where we are

Department of Physics - DIFI
. Valletta Puggia
Via Dodecaneso 33
16146 Genoa

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