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The course aims to respond to the recommendations of the European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000) (L. 14/2006) to train experienced professionals in landscape analysis and design and the Code of Cultural and Landscape Heritage (DL 42/2004 - Codice dei Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici) to disseminate and increase knowledge of the landscape. The teachings pay special attention to the issues of development and sustainable design, considering that landscape is an essential cultural expression of historical identity in every country.

The faculty consists of prominent figures from the Italian academic scene and experienced professionals in the various operational fields of landscape architecture.

The presence of students with different specific training stands as a strength of the course of study, which aims to encourage and enhance collaboration between different skills.

The lessons distributed over several locations are an element of cultural enrichment for students.

What will you study

The inter-university master's degree program in Landscape and Green Area Design offers all the cognitive tools necessary for the performance of the profession of a landscape architect.

The curriculum includes compulsory and elective teachings so that students can customize their educational path according to specific interests or the need to deepen certain themes specific to landscape architecture.

The mandatory courses are: Laboratory of Landscape Analysis Evaluation and Representation, Laboratory of Landscape Architecture, and Landscape Ecology.

The compulsory courses are.

The elective teachings: Applied Environmental Botany, Applied Landscape Ecology, Nature Engineering, Garden and Landscape History, CAD-GIS computer tools, Economic-Environmental Analysis, Contemporary Landscape Architecture, Plant Species Defense and Management, Landscape Design and Representation, Geomorphology for Landscape Design, Landscape Planning, Urban and Rural Sociology, Plant Species for Design, History and techniques of wildlife engineering, Techniques for green area design, Theories of landscape design, Laboratory of urban environmental design, Laboratory of urban green design and management, Laboratory of cultural landscape redevelopment, Laboratory of linear green infrastructure design, Laboratory of landscape planning, Laboratory of garden and landscape restoration.

Alternating face-to-face lectures with projects and laboratories, the course ensures that each student has the theoretical foundations while simultaneously gaining practical experience for each teaching.

Additional teaching activities are the inter-sessional workshops held annually in Italy or abroad.

Each student also has the opportunity to undertake traineeships at companies or public and private entities.

    After graduation

    The course prepares for the profession of landscape architect, in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 328/2001 (Amendments and additions to the discipline of the requirements for admission to state examinations and related tests for the practice of certain professions, as well as the discipline of the related regulations) for those registered in the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscape Architects and Conservators (OAPPC).
    Indeed, the degree allows admission to the state examination for registration in section A, sector C (landscape) of the OAPPC.
    The degree also allows admission to the state examination for registration in Section A of the Order of Agronomists and Foresters.

    The graduate degree in DESIGN OF GREEN AREAS AND LANDSCAPE

    Who is it?

    The landscape architect plans and designs urban and rural landscapes - from private gardens to public green spaces, from the rehabilitation of degraded areas to the active preservation of cultural landscapes - based on the natural characteristics and historical and cultural values of the area.

    What does he do?

    The skills of the landscape architect are many and varied: they range from landscape design to the restoration of historic parks and gardens, from the drafting of landscape plans and landscape analysis at different scales.

    Where does he or she work?

    The landscape architect can work as:

    • free professional registered with the Order of Architects and the Order of Agronomists and Foresters
    • official or manager of public bodies
    • coordinator or executive in private landscape design and promotion companies
    • researcher in public and private entities
    • .