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The graduate student in Product and Event Design.

Who is it?

The master's graduate works with management and leadership skills in the field of event and industrial product design and production. He/she occupies leading or mentoring positions in research groups inside and outside corporate structures or linked to specific territories (Territorial Coordinating Bodies, museum institutions, etc.). Occupies coordinating positions in technical offices for individual stages of product development (events, industrial products, awareness campaigns, etc.).

What does he/she do?

The competencies in the two respective fields, that of product and that of events, are: the coordination of project research groups in corporate structures, Territorial Coordination Entities or in the freelance profession.

Specifically, he deals with:

  • scenario definition
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  • analysis of contexts and target markets
  • definition of project requirements and expectations (definition of project brief)
  • preliminary and executive design
  • coordination for making models and prototypes
  • definition of economic components inherent in the development and implementation of a design research process
  • methods of detecting the results obtained and their implementation.
  • .

Where does he/she work?

The main employment outlets are professional activities in the fields:

  • design for industry and crafts
  • design of communication artifacts (material and digital)
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  • visual communication and design of services and events for the enhancement of corporate heritage and know-how, territorial entities, cultural institutions, public and private associations.

These outlets find form in the free profession, employment in companies, businesses, professional firms, design companies, institutions and public and private bodies.