The course in brief Presentation Physics aspires to understand the structure and laws of nature and is the basis of technological innovation in many areas. The course is divided into six curricula: astrophysics and cosmology applied physics (involves internships in companies and includes, among others, environmental physics, medical physics, biophysics) physics of matter physics of fundamental interactions . Theoretical physics international (double degree with the University of Aix-Marseille) The thesis is an original research work, carried out in direct contact with leading national and international research realities. Learning by doing As with the bachelor's degree, courses in the master's degree include laboratory activities aimed at the in-depth study of cutting-edge techniques and technologies in each of the degree's areas of specialization. Thanks to contacts between the Department of Physics, international research centers and industrial realities, it is possible to carry out research activities abroad and internships with companies. Professional outlets 100 percent (Almalaurea 2016) of master's graduates in physics in Genoa three years after graduation are gainfully employed. The course opens the way to scientific research, teaching, and a job in industry. Here are some areas where the physicist is in high demand: energy, transportation, space and defense, biomedical, computer science, and nanotechnology. What you will learn fisica teorica le teorie fondamentali della fisica moderna e il viaggio alla ricerca di una teoria unificata fisica della materia dalle proprietà della materia alla micro e alla nano scala al design di nuovi materiali fisica nucleare e delle particelle elementari le particelle che costituiscono la materia e la radiazione e le loro interazioni fisica applicata dall'elettronica alla biofisica, dalla superconduttività alla fisica nello spazio fare ricerca in contesto multidisciplinare saprai intrecciare competenze e saperi per risolvere problemi complessi tradurre il sapere in competenze professionali saprai mettere a frutto le tue conoscenze per lo sviluppo di nuovi materiali e tecnologie Did you know that. Il Dipartimento di Fisica di Genova è uno dei sette Dipartimenti di Eccellenza italiani nell'area delle Scienze fisiche Potrai svolgere parte della tua tesi di laurea presso grandi laboratori internazionali di ricerca come il CERN, il Gran Sasso, i sincrotroni di Trieste e Grenoble Studierai in un ambiente internazionale a contatto con realtà di ricerca di punta Contents The Bachelor of Science in Physics degree program provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental theories of classical and modern physics and their advanced applications in areas such as matter physics, particle and high-energy physics, astrophysics, biophysics, and environmental physics. You will learn to put your knowledge to use with creativity and autonomy. The dissertation, which plays an important role in your education, takes place within a research group or industrial research and development unit. You will be able to rework your knowledge to come up with original theories and experiments, and you will learn how to follow an original research work from the conception and design stage to the data collection and presentation of results Coordinator Welcome to the master's degree program in Physics!. Fabrizio Parodi Where we are Department of Physics DIFI. Valletta Puggia Via Dodecaneso 33 16146 Genoa Read more Do you want to know more? Write to