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The course in brief


The master's degree program is organized according to three curricula:

  • Analytical chemistry for the study of the environment
  • Solid-state chemistry applied to materials and energy
  • Organic chemistry applied to materials and life sciences
  • .

Subjects of important Genoese tradition are taught: chemistry of the sea, environmental pollution, metallic and ceramic materials, diversity-oriented synthesis of substances of biological interest.

Learning by doing

The degree program includes many theoretical-practical teachings, involving numerous laboratory exercises. In addition, in the second year, there is a long experimental research thesis, which can also be done abroad or at companies.

Professional outlets

  • Chemical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, engineering, electronics and general manufacturing industries
  • public and private analytical or research laboratories
  • public universities and research institutions
  • free profession
  • teaching in school
  • .


What you will learn

materials processing

come formulare e preparare materiali per specifiche applicazioni

chemistry for life sciences

creare nuove molecole organiche per scopi biomedicali

green chemistry

la chimica analitica al servizio dell'ambiente

chemistry in the sea water

lo studio dei composti naturali e antropici dispersi negli oceani


sintetizzare, caratterizzare e utilizzare nuove nanostrutture per specifiche applicazioni


The Master's Degree in Chemical Sciences intends to prepare professional figures capable of working in laboratories, facilities, companies or public and private entities, even at a managerial level, in all the more properly chemical fields, but also in the pharmaceutical, food, engineering, metallurgy, environmental, and advanced materials sectors, i.e., in all those areas where the knowledge and expertise of the chemist are essential or otherwise important.

Much of the teaching is theoretical-practical to learn how to apply modern experimental techniques to current topics. The thesis of the degree is experimental, including in collaboration with leading universities or foreign research institutes.

In particular, the expertise present in the University of Genoa enables the training of master's graduates specializing in:

  • use of the most modern techniques for chemical analysis, environmental analysis and structural determination of new molecules
  • organic synthesis of substances of application interest in both biological and innovative materials
  • physical chemistry of the solid state and more generally of innovative materials, with application implications in the areas of energy production and distribution and energy conservation
  • Inorganic solid-state chemistry and metallurgy applied to the engineering industry and the conservation of cultural heritage.



Welcome to Chemical Science!


Andrea Basso

Where we are

Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry DCCI
. Valletta Puggia
Via Dodecaneso 31
16146 Genoa

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. Benedict XV Avenue, 7
tel. 010 353 38190