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The course in brief


The course includes three curricula: International Communication (field of services to businesses, public bodies and international organizations), Modern Literatures (literatures and cultures of European and American countries), and Cultural Tourism (management of tourism resources and organization of cultural events with a tourism value). It is possible to earn a double degree in collaboration with the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis or the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.

Learning by doing

The curricula in International Communication and Cultural Tourism include internships; the one in Modern Literature includes a literature workshop. All three make it possible to spend a period abroad on Erasmus.

Professional outlets

The master's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures for Cultural Services allows graduates to carry out activities at a high level of responsibility in all professional fields in which a solid humanistic culture and a secure command of foreign languages are required: publishing houses, study centers, Italian cultural institutes abroad, etc.


It also allows for employment in public and private companies active in the fields of commerce and tourism.

What you will learn

traduzione e mediazione

parlare, capire, leggere, scrivere, interagire, comunicare e mediare

linguistica e cultura generale

sintassi, pragmatica, sociolinguistica, linguistica testuale

letteratura, cultura, società

lingua straniera

soggiornare un semestre nel paese estero di cui studi la lingua

economia, cultura e turismo

economia dell'industria culturale, geografia dei beni culturali e del turismo

percorso di studio per un doppio titolo italiano-tedesco

doppio titolo di studio (italiano-tedesco) “Cultura, Lingue, Letterature / Kultur, SprachDoppi titoli | Scuola di Scienze umanistiche (, Literatur” delle lauree magistrali “Master in Kulturwissenschaften” della Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Germania) e “Laurea magistrale in Lingue e letterature moderne per i servizi culturali (LM37/LM38)”

Link: Doppi titoli | Scuola di Scienze umanistiche (

percorso di studio per un doppio titolo italiano-francese

Il programma Lingue e culture Internazionali: è un corso innovativo e professionalizzante che sviluppa capacità di gestione di progetti (privati e pubblici) nel contesto europeo e franco-italiano in collaborazione con il Master 2 Relazioni Franco-Italiane (LAI-RFI) dell'Université Côte-d'Azur



Did you know that.

Sono attivi quattro accordi per la mobilità Erasmus Placement per studenti interessati al tirocinio nell'ambito della didattica dell'italiano L2

Il corso ha tre convenzioni con atenei extraeuropei (Canada, Messico, Russia)

Sono attivi due percorsi formativi che rilasciano un doppio titolo di studio tra l'Università di Genova e l'Università di Nice Sophia-Antipolis o la Leuphana Universität di Lüneburg


Common goal of thethree curricula is to train professionals with a high level of written and oral proficiency in two foreign languages. The course includes common teachings in the areas of foreign languages and literatures to allow for the refinement of skills already acquired. These activities are complemented by others specific to each curriculum.

  • The curriculum in International Communication provides specific skills in the areas of business and government services, international organizations, and promotion of local resources. It prepares for employment in the fields of commerce, marketing, human resources or management staff of national and international companies involved in the processes of globalization of the economy.
  • .
  • Graduates in the Modern Literature curriculum can hold positions of responsibility in international cooperation institutions, Italian cultural institutions abroad and diplomatic and consular representations, as well as in national and international companies and institutions. They can also find skilled employment in the fields of entertainment, publishing, journalism and multimedia communication.
  • The curriculum in Cultural Tourism guides the student to the attainment of skills that can be used in private companies and public bodies active in the management, promotion and marketing of the territory's tourism resources, in the organization of cultural events and more generally in the production and dissemination of culture.


Davide Finco - foto
Welcome to the Master's Degree Program in Modern Languages and Literatures for Cultural Services, in which you can develop your language and cultural skills according to a professional profile in line with your interests. Our staff of faculty and associates are committed every day to accompany you on your educational journey.

Davide Finco

Where we are

Course location
Palazzo Serra
Piazza Santa Sabina 2
16124 Genova


In the course venue you will find faculty offices, administrative offices, and the library.

Teaching venues
Palazzo Serra
Piazza Santa Sabina 2

Educational Pole
Via delle Fontane 10

Albergo dei Poveri
Piazzale Emanuele Brignole 2

Palazzo dell'Università
Via Balbi 5

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Learning Support Unit Manager - RUD

School of Humanities Student Secretariat
Via Balbi 4
16126 Genova
+39 010 209 51690