Current models of nursing and midwifery care consistently require professionals specifically trained in organizational process management and capable of bringing innovations through clinical research and education of both future nursing and midwifery staff and facility health workers. What will you study The Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery degree program was born from the transformation of the regional professional training pathway (Direct School for Special Purposes in Nursing Managers and Teachers), which began in aa 2006/2007 and continued with the subsequent university reforms (L. 509/99 and L. 240/2010). Access to the course is a scheduled number: the annual quota and the date of the admission test are defined by specific ministerial decree. Admission requirements are defined by current legislation and stated in the Teaching Regulations.. The course has a two-year duration for a total of 120 cfu, including theoretical teachings, laboratories, internship activities, seminars, English language, student's choice activities and final examination. Attendance to educational activities is compulsory within the terms defined in the Didactic Regulations. The Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and Midwifery gives access to the PhD and Master's Degree Programs in Nursing. After graduation The graduate student in INFERMIC AND OBSTETRICAL SCIENCES. Who is it? He/she is a nurse, midwife/midwife, pediatric nurse with advanced skills on nursing, management, educational and research processes in the areas relevant to the various health professions included in the graduating class of origin. What do you do? Manages activities of high professional qualification within simple and complex settings with functions of: direction or coordination of services in which nurses and midwives work leading innovative projects or reorganization of care processes to implement new organizational models. Where do you work? Find employment in: health and social welfare facilities corporate or academic training centers for teaching, mentoring, instructional design, leadership research centers for projects related to obstetric, nursing or in multicenter and multidisciplinary projects.