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The course in brief


The Bachelor of Science Degree in Physiotherapy prepares health professionals who are responsible for prevention, treatment and rehabilitation interventions in the areas of motor, upper cortical and visceral functions. Physiotherapy graduates practice functional rehabilitation of motor, psychomotor, and cognitive disabilities using physical, manual, massage therapy, and occupational therapies, propose the adoption of prostheses and aids, train in their use, and test their effectiveness.

Learning by doing

The knowledge and skills of the physical therapist are attained and verified in applied rehabilitation sciences in neurology, orthopedics, cardio-respiratory, uro-gynecology and oncology, developmental, adult and elderly.

Professional outlets

The physiotherapist finds employment in the Regional Health System (SSR), in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, RSAs, medical clinics. He/she can perform freelance work in professional practices, sports associations, service cooperatives, NGOs.

What you will learn

capacità tecniche

adottare le modalità riabilitative più consone alla specifica esigenza

stabilire la relazione

relazioni di aiuto con la persona, i suoi familiari e il contesto sociale

capacità formative

provvedere alla propria autoformazione

capacità manageriali

gestire i sistemi informativi dei servizi

identificare i bisogni

fisici, psicologici e sociali di recupero in persone di diverse età


interventi non solo in area ortopedica o neurologica, ma anche cardiologica, respiratoria, pelviperineale

Did you know that.

In Italia l'86% dei laureati in Fisioterapia ha trovato lavoro entro il primo anno dalla laurea

L'indagine AlmaLaurea 2016 riporta che il 95% dei laureati in Fisioterapia di UniGe si è inserito nel mondo del lavoro a un anno dalla laurea

Fisioterapia permette di accedere alla laurea magistrale in Scienze delle professioni sanitarie della riabilitazione e a Master specializzanti


The student in Physiotherapy acquires knowledge and skills in:

  • responsibility: behaves with reference to the code of ethics and regulations
  • rehabilitation: according to Clinical Reasoning analyzes the person's needs, formulates the physiotherapy diagnosis with goals and prognosis, plans the rehabilitation intervention based on person-centeredness and implements it safely and effectively, and finally evaluates the treatment result
  • therapeutic education: develops awareness and skills in the person to overcome the disability
  • prevention: promotes health maintenance according to ergonomic principles and promotes proper lifestyle
  • management: knows the principles of ethics, legislation, management
  • training: keeps up to date and conducts teaching and counseling
  • effective practice: finds the best evidence in the literature and interprets it critically, to prepare the most effective therapeutic intervention
  • communication and relationship: builds the relationship with the person assisted, the family, caregivers, other professionals.

The first year provides biomedical, kinesiological, and neurophysiological knowledge as the foundations of the professional discipline and prerequisites for approaching the first internship experience.

The second year presents cognitive and functional changes in the field of orthopedic and neurological pathology. Professional intellectual, interpersonal, and gestural skills are experienced in the internship.


The third year delves into the specialized methodologies inherent in professional practice (management, research, teamwork). In the internship, gradual autonomy and responsibility are experienced with the supervision of experts.


Dear students, together with the heads of the individual Poles, tutors and internship guides, I warmly welcome you to the course. We assure you of our utmost commitment, so that you can achieve the educational goals that distinguish the graduate in Physiotherapy.

Elisa Pelosin

Where we are

The teaching is carried out within the sites of the five regional Poles. However, it is also developed in the hospital and territorial facilities where rehabilitation activities are carried out, sites of a training that finds in clinical practice one of its most important moments of integration between the treatment and training phases.

Educational hubs


Via IV Novembre 115, 16030 San Salvatore di Cogorno (GE)

Director of professionalizing educational activities for the Chiavari Pole
. Daniela Garaventa

+39 0185 329 16768


Via dei Pilastri 3, 19137 La Spezia
+39 0187 5350 40041

Director of professionalizing educational activities for the Pole of La Spezia
Laura Faraguti


Training and Upgrading Center
. Santa Corona Hospital of Pietra Ligure - Asl2 Savonese
Via XXV Aprile 38, 17027 Pietra Ligure (SV)
+39 019 623 4931

Director of professionalizing educational activities for the Pietra Ligure Pole
Alessandro Robutti
+39 019 623 4931
+39 019 623 2736


Neurological Clinic
Largo Paolo Daneo 3, 16132 Genoa
+39 010 353 7080

Director of professionalizing educational activities
Susanna Accogli


1) What work does a graduate in Physiotherapy perform?
. The Physiotherapist is the health care professional who is responsible for the attributions provided by the Decree of the Ministry of Health of September 14, 1994, No. 741 and subsequent amendments and additions; that is, he or she carries out, independently or in collaboration with other health care figures, the interventions of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the areas of motor, cognitive and psychomotor functions, and visceral consequent to pathological events, of various etiology, congenital or acquired.
2) What does a Physiotherapy graduate not do?
. The Physiotherapist does not make medical diagnoses or prescribe drugs. The Degree in Physiotherapy is a three-year degree qualifying for the profession of Physiotherapist, so he/she can do this profession and no other.

3) What kind of motivations do those who choose to graduate in Physiotherapy have?
. The activity of the graduate in Physiotherapy is aimed at taking care of the person/patient in order to meet their bio-psycho-social needs. Graduates in Physiotherapy, within the scope of their competencies, elaborate, also in multidisciplinary teams, the definition of the rehabilitation program aimed at identifying and overcoming the health needs of the disabled person; they independently practice therapeutic activities for the functional rehabilitation of motor, psychomotor and cognitive disabilities using physical, manual, massage therapy and occupational therapies; they propose the adoption of prostheses and aids, train their use and verify their effectiveness; they verify the correspondences of the rehabilitation methodology implemented to the objectives of functional recovery set.
4) Where can I find work with a degree in Physiotherapy?
. The Physiotherapist finds employment within the National Health Service (NHS), in private facilities accredited and affiliated with the NHS, clinics, rehabilitation facilities and centers, RSAs, medical clinics and/or multi-specialty clinics. Current regulations allow the performance of freelance activity in individual or associated professional practices, associations and sports clubs in the various types, service cooperatives, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), public or private preventive services; abroad (where the title is recognized by agreement between EU and non-EU countries).
Physiotherapists carry out training activities for other health and social health professions, study, teaching, research and professional consulting activities, in health services and those where their professional skills are required.
5) What types of users does a graduate in Physiotherapy work with?
. The Physiotherapist deals with an extremely varied type of users: from the healthy individual on whom he or she works through preventive interventions, to the individual with health problems of varying complexity, whether acute or chronic, from the newborn to the patient at the end of life. The graduate in Physiotherapy will carry out with ownership and professional autonomy, with respect to individuals and the community, activities directed to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and functional assessment procedures, in the Neurological, Orthopedic, Cardio-respiratory, Uro-gynecological and Oncological fields, in the developmental age, in the adult and in the elderly
6) In which public institutions can a graduate in Physiotherapy work?
. In all health facilities that guarantee the regulations related to the professional profile. In the university after obtaining a master's degree.

7) What outlets does a graduate in physiotherapy have in the private sector?
. In all health care facilities that guarantee the regulations related to the professional profile; on a dependent or freelance basis. The need for Physiotherapists is also expected to continue to increase in relation to the priority health problems highlighted by the WHO (the aging population, technological development in health treatments, citizens' expectations of more efficient services, and the increased importance of prevention), for which the figure of the Physiotherapist is central in the process of functional recovery and improvement of quality of life.
8) What advanced studies can a graduate in Physiotherapy have access to?
. A Physiotherapist can enter first-level Master's degree and Master's degree. After earning the Master's Degree to second-level Master's degree and PhD.

9) How many chances does a Physiotherapy graduate have of finding a job?
. For a Physiotherapist, the chances of finding employment, whether in the public or private sector, are very high.
10) What career opportunities does a Physiotherapy graduate have?
The Physiotherapy graduate has career possibilities in the clinic, the organization, and the university.


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For any information on services pertaining to the teaching area - access procedures, services, curriculum check, etc. - you can contact the School Chair and the Teaching Coordinators of the regional offices.

If, on the other hand, you need information on procedures related to your student career - from matriculation, fee payment, transfer, to graduation, etc. - you can contact the Student Secretariat.

We would like to remind you that on the UniGe website and on the School website you can find the main educational and administrative information.

For information regarding the course you can make an appointment with

Sara Beltramea - Head of Teaching Support Unit
Chiara Armani
+39 010 353 7090
+39 010 353 7035

or with the heads of educational venues

Daniela Garaventa

Susanna Accogli

La Spezia
Laura Faraguti

Pietra Ligure
Alessandro Robutti