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The AlmaLaurea survey of 2016 graduates from the University of Genoa reports that 95 percent entered the world of work one year after graduation, a sign of high demand from the labor market for new Physiotherapy graduates.

In the ranking of the fastest-growing occupations between 2011 and 2012, compiled by the EEU, in first place are those involving personal care: the profession of Physiotherapist falls into the group. The growth is motivated by an aging population, technological development in health treatments, citizens' expectations for more efficient services, and the increased importance of prevention.


Who is he/she?

Physiotherapist is a health worker who carries out, independently or in collaboration with other health figures, the interventions of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in the areas of motor, upper cortical and visceral functions resulting from pathological events, of various etiology, congenital or from acquired (attributions provided by D.M. of the Ministry of Health September 14, 1994, No. 741 and subsequent amendments and additions).

What does he/she do?

  • Elaborates, also in multidisciplinary teams, the rehabilitation program aimed at identifying and overcoming the health needs of the disabled person, with reference to the diagnosis and prescriptions of the doctor
  • practices independently therapeutic activities for the functional rehabilitation of motor, psychomotor and cognitive disabilities, using physical, manual, massage and occupational therapies
  • proposes the adoption of prostheses and aids, trains in their use and verifies their effectiveness
  • verifies the correspondences of the implemented rehabilitation methodology to the objectives of functional recovery
  • performs study, teaching, research and professional consulting activities, in health services and those where their professional skills are required.
  • .

In the NHS, the need for physiotherapists is expected to increase in relation to the priority health problems highlighted by the WHO, such as cardiovascular accidents, road and occupational injuries, respiratory diseases related to environmental pollution and lifestyles, overweight, etc.

Where do you work?

He finds employment outlets in hospital settings, in assisted-living residences, in specialist and sports medicine clinics, in rehabilitation centers, at residential services, in facilities for people with disabilities, the elderly and in need of palliation, in nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), in preventive services, in individual or associated professional practices, and in freelance practice.

In fact, it is a profile that operates mainly as a freelancer, as well as a civil servant; therefore, it is not affected by the hiring freeze of recent years in the civil service.