Course Council This is the body that can help you solve problems in your course. You can contact us for problems that affect the organization of your course and teaching. What does it do? The most important functions involve:mediating the relationship between students and facultyapproving student files (study plan, recognition of Erasmus exams, transitions and transfers)evaluating educational offeringsapproving curricular and extracurricular activities (events, internships, conferences) Representative Agnese Galletto - 2411356@studenti.unige.itChiara Pollio - 2707323@studenti.unige.itSimone Trentin - Academic Senate It is the UniGe governing body with policy and teaching direction: you can contact us to resolve issues of university policy and space management in the university. What does it do? The most important functions are:establish and amend regulationsprovide opinions to the Board of Directorsprovide an opinion on the budget and management of financesmanage the educational offerings of UniGe. Contact Student Representatives in Academic Senate - Representatives Alessandro Agazzi Velazquez - 4995827@studenti.unige.itBenedetta Motta - Dalia Raafat - Carlo Riccardo Raggi - Department Council The Department Council is the body where decisions are made regarding the activities carried out by the Department. You can contact us for matters related to the organization of teaching and research. What does it do? The Department Council is in charge of approving:internal economic mattersstudent practices (Erasmus exam recognition, graduation advance requests)training offeringsexamination calls and graduation sessionsresearch projects. Representatives Sofia Barbero - 4797223@studenti.unige.itGiacomo Cappannelli - 4660008@studenti.unige.itSamuele Condipodaro-Marchetta - 5005695@studenti.unige.itAlice Marieni - 5040861@studenti.unige.itAndrea Mori - 4475198@studenti.unige.itDaniela Rivera - 3567731@studenti.unige.itStefania Todarello - 2977450@studenti.unige.itSara Uccella - 4154493@studenti.unige.itVirginia Valerio - School Board He is in charge of facilities management and the departments that are part of it. You can contact us for problems regarding evaluation questionnaires, classroom and space management. What does it do? The School Council is in charge of:infrastructure and servicesinstructional offeringsmanagement costsexamination of course and teaching evaluation formsapproval of certain departmental decisions Representatives Luca Arecco - 4838814@studenti.unige.itMatthias Crisafulli - 5041037@studenti.unige.itRiccardo Fabozzi - 5138519@studenti.unige.itFilippo-Bruno Lanza - 4033075@studenti.unige.itValeria Prella - 4634797@studenti.unige.itVirginia Valerio - 4814614@studenti.unige.itVittoria Veronese - Board of Directors It is the university's governing body of policy and financial direction: you can contact us for general issues about the student fee system and the management of UniGe spaces/facilities. What does it do? The most important decisions relate to:approval of the budgetforecasting of future expendituresuse of financial and personnel resourcesdetermination of taxes and benefits Contact Student Representatives on the Board of Trustees, Representatives Anna Benedetta Barbato - 4629254@studenti.unige.itAntonio Bertani -