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Tourism plays an increasingly important role in the Italian economy, and further growth prospects for the sector are expected in the coming years. To seize these opportunities, professionals with specific skills in the field of tourism and cultural activities, promotion of territories, and related organizational and entrepreneurial activities are needed.
The Bachelor of Science in Tourism: business, culture and territory thus responds to one of the main economic vocations of our region and country.

What will you study

The training is divided into a common part, aimed at providing basic skills in economics, business, law, geography, sociology and land development, and two separate curricula.

The curriculum in Tourism Economics and Management focuses on the administrative and managerial functions specific to tourism businesses.
On the other hand, the curriculum in Enhancement and promotion of historical, artistic and environmental resources focuses on the enhancement, promotion, communication, marketing and management of complex area-based tourism products.

Students are also offered a solid linguistic background to communicate effectively, in written and oral form, in at least two foreign languages, English and French; there is also optional Russian language instruction.
Basic knowledge in the field of information technology applied to multimedia in tourism is also provided.

After graduation

The Bachelor of Science in Tourism degree not only allows immediate access to the job market, but also provides the necessary foundation to continue your studies with a bachelor's or master's degree.

The Tourism Science graduate

Who is it?

The Tourism Science graduate possesses theoretical knowledge and operational skills in the fields of tourism and cultural activities, promotion of territories and related organizational and entrepreneurial activities, as well as knowledge in the field of multimedia in tourism.

What does he/she do?

He is involved in:
- administration, operational and commercial management of enterprises in the tourism sector 
- planning, organization and promotion of tourism products and services, including exhibitions, expositions, cultural events
- tourism promotion within local and national public bodies or agencies.

Where does she work?

Hotel and non-hotel accommodations, restaurants and public establishments, travel agencies, tour operators, service companies operating in the tourism sector, consulting firms, development agencies, Chambers of Commerce, Local Authorities and Public Administrations.