The Master's Degree Program in Pedagogy, Educational Design and Research offers a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary curriculum, which provides the theoretical and practical knowledge to work in different educational and training contexts with leadership and coordination skills. The degree allows for the title of Pedagogist, as provided for by the Law 205/2017, and fosters the acquisition of knowledge, skills and educational competencies of level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. The course venue is located in the beautiful setting of the city of Genoa, in an area adjacent to the old city center and in the heart of city life. What will you study The course is based on a number of teachings from the areas of philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, psychology and history-geography. By alternating face-to-face lectures with small group activities, the course ensures that each student possesses the theoretical foundations while gaining practical experience. In some subjects credit is obtained by working on a project and/or a final paper. Other credits can be obtained through internship periods in companies or public or private facilities and through participation in workshops. The final thesis project is worth 10 percent of the total credits. The disciplines covered in the first year are: Philosophy and ethics Philosophy of human education Pedagogy of literature and spatial workshops Instructional design and active teaching Spanish Language and Culture Design and evaluation of social and educational policies Methodology of educational research The disciplines of the second year are: Clinical pedagogy. History and social geography Methods and techniques of social research and intervention. After graduation The Master's Degree Program in Pedagogy, Educational Design and Research prepares the figure of the Pedagogist, as envisaged by Law 205/2017 in paragraphs 594-600. Pedagogist Who is he?" It is a professional figure recognized by Law No. 205, Dec. 27, 2017, paragraphs 594-600. He has the functions of Consultant, Planner, Coordinator and Manager of educational, social reintegration, rehabilitative, cultural services and facilities in both everyday and emergency socio-educational contexts. He is Senior Trainer, Senior Coordinator, Senior Planner, Senior Needs and Context Analyst, Senior Evaluator, Senior Orientator, and Manager of educational services and facilities referring to compulsory education, higher education, continuing and lifelong learning, training for the unemployed and employed, and the area of disadvantage and vulnerable groups. What does it do? The functions of the Pedagogist and Senior Trainer are: designing, directing, implementing and evaluating educational or training interventions and complex structures independently direct and coordinate facilities, services and educational resources, to build a network of quality services by interacting with public facilities and the third sector supervise educational projects and accompany/analyze the dynamics between professionals cooperating in the educational pathway train personnel involved in educational services planning research in the socio-educational field. Where do you work? Graduates of the LM-85 class find their field of employment at: public institutions particularly in the field of educational, social, reeducational services, in any case in the field defined as 'personal services' educational institutions public and private services for children public and private services for vulnerable groups lifelong learning institutions public and private training institutions, regional and local governments businesses and business service ocieties.