Presentation The course trains engineers with a solid basic preparation, capable of dealing systematically with aspects of civil, construction and environmental engineering appropriate to a first level preparation. Graduates can profitably enter the world of work or continue their studies in master's degree programmes. The degree allows graduates to work in the fields of technical design, construction site organisation and management, construction companies, public and private administrations. The course of study, in Italian, envisages three specialisation paths: Building course Civil Engineering Address Environmental Address Learning by doing The course combines face-to-face teaching with laboratory and computer exercises and design workshops. Experiences that foster contact with the working world, such as visits to companies, visits to construction sites and thematic seminars are an integral part of the training. Professional outlets Professional firms and engineering companies building and civil engineering, infrastructure and plant construction companies technical structures of public and private territorial bodies land protection management and control agencies . What you will learn civil engineering civil, hydraulic and maritime construction, infrastructure construction engineering Technical building design and construction process management environmental and spatial engineering works and interventions to safeguard and defend the territory civil and environmental engineering materials Mechanical and physical-technical performance, experimentation, applications basic disciplines mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science learning capacity to keep abreast of technological developments communication skills to work effectively in groups and interact with others Did you know that. With this degree, you can work and register in section B of the Register of Engineers (Junior Civil and Environmental Engineer), after passing the State Examination . The degree in Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering allows you to enrol in several master's degrees without any debts . Contents The simplicity of the complex The degree programme offers a pathway oriented towards the training of engineers with a solid basic preparation, able to deal systematically with the various aspects of civil, construction and environmental engineering. Objectives The course aims to prepare students: to the design, construction and maintenance of civil and building works of infrastructures and plants to the design, planning and management of works and systems for the control and monitoring of the environment and the territory . The training is aimed at creating professional figures in possession of a basic technical culture, enabling them to easily enter and orient themselves in the world of work and to build possible development opportunities. The course ensures an adequate mastery of scientific methods and content, ideal for the continuation of studies in Master's degree courses. Coordinator Image Dear all, welcome to the Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering degree course! Lecturers, technicians and tutors are at your disposal and especially the Coordinator! Write to the Educational Secretariat, or to the Student Desk or to me ( to let us know the strengths and weaknesses of your university experience and if anything is unclear, please come forward! These indications are also valid for those who are currently attending the Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Ilaria Delponte Where we are Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - Dicca Via Opera Pia 15 and 15A 16145 Genova Educational Secretariat - Dicca Villa Cambiaso Via Montallegro, 1 16145 Genova Read more Engineering Student Desk Via Montallegro 1/3 16145 Genoa +39 010 335 Reference for Education Simona