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This is an original and innovative course of study thanks to the unprecedented binomial "tourism-territory".

The course of study is based on the concept of "tourism-territory. It offers the opportunity to acquire specific skills on tourism issues, associating with it deep knowledge of territorial and environmental dynamics. The theoretical-methodological and practical-applicative skills acquired through the geo-environmental and interdisciplinary approach open up numerous opportunities for professional outlets due to the flexibility and, at the same time, distinctiveness of the educational pathway.

Location: the campus in Savona allows either permanence in university or city residences, or commuting from the metropolitan city of Genoa or the Ligurian West.

The Savona Campus has innovative infrastructure related to the field of Sustainable Energy and Smart City. It offers quality services from an administrative/didactic and library perspective, for university residences, sports/recreational activities and canteen service exclusive to the campus.

What will you study

The teachings of the curriculum are divided into the following areas:


Geography-Geology (Physical geography, geomorphology and tourism, Economic geography of new tourism and territorial development, Territories of made in Italy and sustainable tourism systems, Enhancement of the environment and local heritages)

Economic-Juridical (Tourism Law and Economics, Tourism Business Law, Tourism and Transportation Economics)

Psycho-Medical-Social (Tourism Medicine and Psychology, Sociology of Tourism and Territorial Conversion Processes, Environmental Psychology and Sustainable Development)

Historical-Educational (Intercultural Education for Tourism, History of the Territory and its Resources)

Linguistics-Informatics (Data Management and Digital Innovation for Tourism, English Language for Tourism)

After graduation

The graduate will be able to "spend" the skills acquired in the field of planning, promotion, communication and management of the enhancement of territories and sustainable tourism systems. He/she will be able to access public or private organizations operating in these specific professional fields, with activities in management, qualified consulting, planning and territorial mediation.

There are three job profiles under this master's degree:

Who is he?


Thanks to the cross-cutting skills and knowledge of the territorial reality in its historical, anthropological, geographical, cultural, legislative, economic, ecological and social aspects, contents and reading tools, this figure:

  • does scientific research, both theoretically oriented and applied, on issues related to territory, landscape, sustainability to tourism.
  • interprets and/or defines scenarios, perspectives, frameworks, and strategies related to local territorial change.
  • possesses methods and tools to design, create, and enhance relationships among subjects, actors, and skills (networking).

These skills may be used in organizing, mediating, and facilitating processes within the public administration, in the territory, as well as in access to resources and skills to convey information and knowledge.

  • interacts with both public and private entities. Given that the public/private partnership in the
  • assessment/management/planning of the local area plays a central role in local development paths.

What does it do?

  • Collection of information and data related to a territory
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  • Identification of the needs of a territory
  • Assessment of the environmental impact related to territorial policies and initiatives
  • Identification of appropriate intervention tools for the conservation of natural resources and prevention of geomorphological hazards
  • Juxtaposition of historical landscape values with current spatial arrangements
  • Design and management of actions for improvement of a territory
  • Design and management of urban resilience initiatives
  • Crownfounding and management of resources for project implementation
  • Spatial project planning, management and monitoring
  • Design of monitoring and data collection systems
  • Coordination of monitoring interventions
  • Organization and management of spatial policies and interventions in the areas of historical-cultural heritage and landscape
  • Implementation of territorial policies
  • Management of working teams (including multidisciplinary teams)
  • .
  • Elaboration, design and management of research projects (defining objectives, work phases, timeframes, sources and tools, teams)
  • Interaction with experts from other professional and cultural fields in interdisciplinary investigations
  • Communication to different audiences of the results of the analyses conducted

Where does she work?

  • Local and national public bodies (municipalities, provinces, regions, state bodies)
  • .
  • Public and private entities dedicated to the collection and management of statistical and qualitative data on a territorial basis
  • National and international public and private research organizations
  • Private entities (offices, studies) active in the field of land management
  • Public and private entities devoted to environmental protection (e.g., Arpa)
  • Private entities, cooperatives, geographical, environmental associations (environmental education) and protection/enhancement/tourist promotion of the territory (e.g. Pro-loco), regional and national parks

Graduates who have sufficient credits in appropriate groups of identified fields will be able as provided by the current legislation to participate in the admission tests for secondary teaching training courses.

Who is he?


As is well known, the geographer studies the human-environment relationship and better specifically the use of the earth's surface by identifying the interrelationships between physical, natural and anthropogenic phenomena and the effects on the social, political, economic organization of places.

The geographer is a custodian of multidisciplinary knowledge that enables him or her to interpret various land-related issues and act on them.

The different sectors in which he can intervene are both the natural and the anthropized environment in the search for solutions to specific critical issues (climatic, environmental, social and cultural), but also in the identification and enhancement of resources rooted in the territories (cultural heritage, environmental, landscape, industrial archaeology, etc.).
. The spatial scale can be local, regional, national or global.
Geographical analysis is conducted both in the field and with the help of statistical data. The geographer also very often uses Geographic Information Systems, which allow the information collected to be concentrated in thematic cartographies or graphs, for better communication of the reality analyzed and the related possible and/or necessary interventions.

What does it do?

  • Collection of information and data related to an area
  • .
  • Identification of information sources (bibliographic, cartographic, statistical, spatial)
  • .
  • Sorting and classifying information related to a territory
  • Data input into computer systems for data collection and processing
  • Analysis and collection of information related to historical, economic and social processes pertaining to spatial organization
  • Analysis and collection of elements characterizing the physical processes of the geosphere, including in relation to its exogenous dynamics
  • Spatial analyses and complex statistics (systemic interactions, role of actors, cultural and ethnographic factors, exogenous factors)
  • Scientific research, both theoretically oriented and applied, on issues related to territory, landscape, and tourism.
  • Communication to different audiences of the results of the analyses carried out
  • Management of working teams (including multidisciplinary ones)

Where do you work?

  • Local and national public bodies (municipalities, provinces, regions, state bodies).
  • .
  • Private entities (offices, studies) active in the field of land management.
  • Public and private research organizations.
  • Teaching Geography in public and private second-grade educational institutions

Who is it?

Professional figure who possesses the skills to work at publishing houses dealing with geographic publishing.
He/she can then work as an editor of scientific and/or popular texts, scholastic, cartographic, atlases, tourist guides. He may find employment outlet in tourism and environmental magazines, etc. He may also coordinate or collaborate on television or documentary productions with a geographic-environmental-tourism theme.
As part of a publishing house specializing in geographic publishing, she is involved in text editing and cartography composition at different scales through GIS in collaboration with other professionals. This is thanks to the skills acquired through targeted courses, workshops and internships provided in the curriculum.

Thanks to the transversal skills and knowledge of the territorial reality in its historical, anthropological, geographical, cultural, legislative, economic, ecological and social aspects, contents and reading tools, this figure:

  • does scientific research, both theoretically oriented and applied, on issues related to territory, landscape, sustainability to tourism.
  • interprets and/or defines scenarios, perspectives, frameworks, and strategies related to local territorial change.
  • masters methods and tools to design, create, and enhance relationships among subjects, actors, and skills (networking)

What does it do?

  • Collect information and data related to an area
  • .
  • Identify sources of information (bibliographic, cartographic, statistical, spatial)
  • .
  • Order and classify information related to a territory
  • Interpretive description of a territory or its parts
  • Read and analyze data and information related to a territory
  • Interpreting data (geographic, social, ethnographic)
  • Reconstruct and interpret the dynamics of ecological and historical landscape transformation
  • Communicating to diverse audiences the results of the analyses carried out
  • Management of working teams (including multidisciplinary teams)

Where do you work?

  • Publishers specializing in geographic texts and cartographic works
  • Journals and magazines (generalist and/or popular science)
  • .
  • Publishing, television, documentary and multimedia industry
  • National and international geographical institutes
  • Publishing houses specializing in geographic, environmental and tourism publishing
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