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Engineering for building retrofitting - UniGeTalks

Programme overview


Engineering for Building Retrofitting addresses the topics of the protection, rehabilitation and enhancement of existing buildings in terms of structural safety, energy efficiency, quality and comfort, while considering social and economic issues.

This two-year program, taught entirely in English, tackles the specific issue of the rehabilitation of existing buildings with a multi-disciplinary integrated approach. 

Learning by doing

Teaching methodologies envisage the participation in seminars and workshops (both in classroom and in laboratories), the development of individual or collective projects, as well as assisted and individual study.

Learning outcomes will be evaluated by means of tests, oral or written examinations and development of projects.

Career perspectives

The Engineering for Building Retrofitting graduates will be engineers specialized in the assessment of structural, energy and technical performances of existing buildings and in the design of rehabilitation and conservation interventions.

What you will learn

Structural and seismic safety

Assess the structural and seismic safety of existing buildings

Energy performances

Assess the energy performances of existing buildings

Building quality and comfort

Assess the state of mainteinance and comfort of existing buildings

Structural retrofitting interventions

Diagnose and design retrofitting interventions

Increase energy efficiency

Define strategies and design interventions to increase the energy efficiency of existing buildings

Enhance building quality and comfort

Design manteinance interventions and improve the comfort in existing buildings


The program trains engineers to be able to assess and rehabilitate existing buildings, rather than design new ones. It is focused on the following main learning areas:

  • structures
  • energy and plants
  • quality and comfort

Furthermore, it includes some supplementary classes in the field of digital survey and representation, economic valuation, project financing, and project and building site management.

Head of programme

Chiara Calderini

Welcome Students,
I am the Coordinator of the MSc in Engineering for Building Retrofitting. You will find in our Course a community of students coming from far Countries and Italian students interested in all the engineering aspects of Existing Buildings (structural and seismic safety, energy performances, building conservation, etc.). Our mission is to grow high level Engineers, with a special International Attitude to work in research and production teams. See You in Genoa!

Chiara Calderini

Where to find us

Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering - DICCA

via Montallegro 1
16145 Genova


Villa Cambiaso - via Montallegro 1 -
Polo Opera Pia - via all' Opera Pia 15 A -



Learn more

Student Desk (Engineering School)
Villa Cambiaso
Via Montallegro 1
sito web

Student Desk (Dept. of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Eng.)
Viale Cambiaso 6/canc - piano terra

Didactic support contact
Simona Grillo