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The course trains professionals with specialized knowledge in the legal and economic fields such as to meet the needs of the business world and public administrations, particularly those involved in economic activities. To this end, great importance is attached to linguistic and computer preparation.

Learning by doing

The course includes a period of professional training in companies, public administrations or other organizations to bring future graduates closer to the world of work.

Professional outlets

As a graduate and undergraduate you can become an employment consultant, passing the relevant professional qualification examination; you can work in the legal, administrative and human resources area in companies, banks, insurance companies, finance companies; you can participate in public competitions to access the position of administrative officer of territorial and non-territorial public bodies, public security officer, judicial administration officer.

What you will learn

comprendere e interpretare il diritto

gli atti e i fatti idonei a produrre diritto nell'ambito nazionale, internazionale e dell'Unione europea

regolazione e funzionamento del mercato

come operano le società, le banche e le imprese

funzionamento degli enti pubblici

gestire procedimenti amministrativi e operare all'interno delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni

problem solving

individuare i rischi e risolvere i problemi di società ed enti pubblici attraverso le norme

bilanciare la libertà d'impresa con i diritti sociali

sviluppando sensibilità giuridica

dialogare con il diritto internazionale e UE

imparando a conoscere l'ordinamento nazionale

Did you know that.

Puoi studiare all'estero scegliendo tra tantissime destinazioni

Dopo la laurea puoi sostenere l'esame di abilitazione alla professione di consulente del lavoro

Puoi accedere a concorsi pubblici per la posizione di funzionario amministrativo

"Puoi completare la tua formazione con il Master universitario di I livello in Giurista d'impresa oppure con le Lauree magistrali in Giurisprudenza, in Management o in Amministrazione e Politiche Pubbliche"

È previsto un periodo di formazione obbligatorio presso qualificati enti pubblici e privati


The legal practitioner in business and government as a cross-cutting figure

The course provides a solid legal background, with a focus on the subjects of business law, labor law, and administrative law and the European and international dimensions, combined with a knowledge of the main concepts of budgeting and accounting to best operate in the public and private sectors.

Theoretical preparation combined with practical experience

The course of study has a professionalizing character. For this reason, there is a requirement for a period of professional training - internship - in companies, public administrations or other organizations. In order to strengthen the international vocation of the course, adequate language preparation is provided and several English-language courses have been activated.

After graduation?

You can enter the world of work, make your qualification count in public competitions or take the exam to qualify as an employment consultant. You can also choose to continue your education by pursuing, a Master's Degree in Law, in Management or in Public Administration and Policy, or with a first-level master's degree - such as the Master's Degree in Business Law organized by the University of Genoa.


prof.ssa Madeo

"Welcome, Welcome to the Bachelor of Science in Legal Services to Business and Public Administration!"

Antonella Madeo

Where we are

The location of the course of study is Genoa.

Lectures are held in the classrooms of the University Building at via Balbi 5 and at the educational hub of the former Albergo dei Poveri, Piazzale Emanuele Brignole 2, Genoa.

For students opting for the general curriculum, part of the activity takes place at the University Hub in Imperia.

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