The course in brief Presentation The degree course trains versatile professionals, capable of working in the numerous application, research and innovation domains in the medical-biological field, which by nature require interdisciplinary skills. The fields of application in which you will put your knowledge into practice are varied: neuro-technologies, rehabilitation and assistive technologies, cybernetic and bio-inspired systems, biomaterials, engineered cells and tissues, instrumentation and diagnostic systems, clinical engineering, health information systems, e-health and m-health. Learning by doing The course combines traditional lessons with: laboratory activities and project development on cutting-edge topics, often in collaboration with external organisations stays in research laboratories or at health care facilities and rehabilitation centres seminars and supplementary courses by professionals Professional outlets In industry, a bioengineer develops medical devices, medical-surgical devices, in-vitro diagnostics systems and health technologies. Many bioengineers find employment in innovative start-ups and some become entrepreneurs themselves. In healthcare facilities, research institutes and rehabilitation centres, bioengineers may manage technical services and measurement laboratories. A significant fraction of graduates continue their studies with a PhD. What you will learn Biomedical instrumentation bioimaging and analysis of multidimensional signals for diagnostic purposes Motor control and rehabilitation engineering technologies, methods, models for the analysis and rehabilitation of human performance Tissue engineering mechanical properties, cell and molecular biology, gene techniques and therapies Medical Informatics interoperability, continuity of care, reuse of clinical data Natural and artificial intelligent systems Perception, cognition and behaviour Neuroengineering and neurotechnology Neuro-electronic interfaces, computational neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering Did you know that... Approximately 40% of students do their thesis work in companies or research organisations outside the university. Approximately 25% of the theses are conducted abroad. The degree course in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Genoa was, together with that of the Polytechnic University of Milan, the first to be established in Italy, in 1995. Contents Interdisciplinarity as the key to innovation The application dimension of new technologies and scientific discoveries necessarily passes through dialogue between different disciplines. The Bioengineering Master's degree course helps to adopt a distinctly cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary attitude that is naturally inclined towards innovation. The course aims to consolidate physical, mathematical and engineering skills and knowledge in the field of Life Sciences and to provide specialist skills in the field of bioengineering. In this degree course you will learn to describe, simulate and analyse systems and signals of medical and biological interest. You will study biomaterials, devices and instrumentation for diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation and the molecular, cellular and cognitive basis of human perception and behaviour. You will learn about the organisation of patient management and care facilities, the information systems used in them and their ethical implications. A polyvalent professional figure with a solid technical-biological background The course is aimed at graduates from biomedical engineering or other fields of industrial and information engineering, but is also open to graduates from the various fields of mathematical, physical and natural sciences. The development of personal skills and abilities finds expression especially during the preparation of the Master's thesis, to which almost the entire last semester is devoted. The course also provides the opportunity to acquire a solid ability to relate to professionals with extremely diverse competences and cultural backgrounds. The course is organised in two tracks, each comprising two educational paths (curricula): Track T1: Neuroengineering (in English) Curriculum T1C1: Neuroengineering and neurotechnologies Curriculum T1C2: Rehabilitation engineering and interaction technologies Track T2: Engineering for Personalised Medicine Curriculum T2C1: Materials and Devices for personalised medicine Curriculum T2C2: Information and Communication Technologies for personalised medicine Coordinator Image Welcome to the Master of Science in Bioengineering programme. Our community - students, lecturers, tutors and all staff - is strongly committed to merging teaching with research. You will build your skills in applying engineering tools and techniques to the solution of biomedical and life science problems, live and study in a friendly atmosphere and share your passion for bioengineering. Vittorio Sanguineti Where we are Department of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering - DIBRISAdministration and Teaching Secretariat Viale Francesco Causa 13 16145 Genova Lecture Rooms, Laboratories and Teachers' Offices Via All'Opera Pia 13 16145 Genova How to reach usFrom Cristoforo Colombo AirportFrom Genoa Brignole railway stationFrom Genoa Principe train stationFrom the Genoa West motorway exitFrom the Genoa Nervi motorway tollbooth Success Stories Read more Student Desk Via Montallegro 1 inside the Villa Cambiaso Park - in front of Aula A7 16145 Genova +39 010 353 Reference person for teaching Elena Tortora +39 010 353 2945 +39 334 1074229 Didactics staff (for pre-enrolment, enrolment and study plans) Daniela Peghini +39 010 353