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The course in brief


The Course offers students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the areas of archaeological research methodologies and in the field of archaeology, in the Mediterranean and European context, from prehistory to post-medieval times.
The course of study has a strongly interdisciplinary slant, in which traditional approaches to archaeological research are supported by a series of scientifically oriented teachings, which train students to deal consciously and professionally with the study of archaeological materials and contexts.

Learning by doing

The teaching of the Course is reinforced by a series of seminar activities, educational trips, and numerous practical laboratory and field research activities. Students, in particular, will be able to deepen their knowledge by actively participating in research, within the laboratories of Archaeological Research Methodologies, Palethnology, Classical Archaeology, Christian and Medieval Archaeology, Rural and Landscape Archaeology, Environmental and Funerary Archaeo-entomology, Analytical Methods for the Built, Archaeological Survey, Instrumental Diagnostics Applied to Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology, Physics Applied to Archaeology, Pathological Anatomy and Paleopathology, and Forensic Archaeo-anthropology. They will, in addition, be able to participate in archaeological excavation and reconnaissance campaigns organized by Course instructors in Liguria (Ventimiglia, Sanremo, Savona, Genoa, Sestri Levante, Carasco, Monterosso) Campania (Pompeii, Policastro Bussentino), Sicily (Caltagirone, Cifali), Sardinia (Nora), as well as in France (Pyrenees), Spain (Asturias, Sierra Nevada, Galicia), Crete (Haghia Triada, Kannià, Mitropolis, Festòs), and Israel (Acre).


Professional outlets

Graduates will be able to carry out free-lance activities as archaeologists or will be able to find employment with: - Cooperatives, Companies, Societies and Associations; - Institutions such as State Archives, Libraries, Superintendencies, Museums, Cultural Centers, Foundations, Bodies; - Institutions, both public and private, active in the fields of cultural services and the recovery of local traditions and identities; - Companies active in the field of cultural tourism, publishing and the dissemination of archaeological and historical culture. They may, in addition, turn to research by accessing further levels of university training (Graduate Schools, Masters, PhDs).


What you will learn


Dalla preistoria al postmedioevo: rileggere la storia nelle tracce materiali

Metodologie della Ricerca Archeologica

Dalle tracce alla storia: interpretare il passato


Conoscere e applicare le più moderne tecniche di rilievo

Archeologia dell'Architettura

Analizzare, comprendere e datare le strutture murarie


Documenti, testi ed epigrafi: analizzare e comprendere le fonti scritte


Riconoscere e valutare i siti archeologici


Conoscere i materiali per poterli conservare


Analizzare i resti degli uomini del passato

Archeologia e Scienze Naturali

Rileggere la storia nei resti di piante e animali

Did you know that.

Da alcuni anni, in ambito archeologico, stanno avendo grande sviluppo le professioni legate alla comunicazione e ai social. Per questa ragione, i grandi musei e parchi archeologici si stanno dotando di archeo-blogger e archeologi specializzati nell'uso di social come Instagram, Twitter, Facebook e Tik-Tok

Una delle più promettenti frontiere della comunicazione che l'archeologia sta oggi affrontando è il gaming: diverse istituzioni italiane, come Musei e Centri di Ricerca stanno lavorando per tradurre in videogiochi le informazioni ricavate anni di scavi e ricerche, in mondo da renderle immediatamente comprensibili al pubblico non specializzato (ad esempio il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli)

In Italia esistono leggi che impongono la presenza di archeologi qualificati in tutti i lavori, pubblici o privati, che comportino lo scavo o la movimentazione di terra. Questi professionisti sovrintendono a tutte le operazioni di scavo e si occupano della documentazione di eventuali rinvenimenti (D.lgs 50/2016, art. 25)

Il Corso di Laurea Magistrale Archeologie: Professione e Saperi (ARCHEOPeS), oltre alle lezioni frontali, prevede la partecipazione degli studenti ad attività di laboratorio e a campagne di ricognizione e scavo archeologico in Italia e all'estero

Il diploma del nostro Corso di Laurea Magistrale ti permetterà di lavorare come archeologo sul campo, nell'ambito dell'attività di Cooperative, Società o Imprese impegnate in scavi archeologici

Il nostro Corso ti permetterà di accedere ai livelli superiori dell'istruzione, come la Scuola di Specializzazione e il Dottorato di Ricerca, che sono importantissimi per poter raggiungere ruoli di maggior responsabilità nel mondo dell'archeologia professionale


The Course provides students with a solid preparation, both theoretical and practical, that will enable them to deal professionally with the study of archaeological materials and contexts, moving competently both in the world of research and in the professions related to archaeology. Specifically, students on the Course will achieve: - a solid preparation in the fields of prehistoric, classical, medieval and postmedieval archaeologies; - the ability to competently use procedures, techniques and tools for the identification, documentation and interpretation of archaeological finds and sites; - the ability to work in the field with adequate professionalism, both in archaeological excavation campaigns and in territorial reconnaissance campaigns; - the ability to analyze and date archaeological finds, stratigraphic contexts and wall remains, with the aim of documenting and understanding their different phases of life and use; - important knowledge in the main scientific fields (archaeometry, geoarchaeology, chemistry, physical anthropology, archaeozoology, and archaeobotany) that allow archaeology to investigate the properties of material remains, with the aim of their understanding, preservation, and valorization; - an adequate ability to communicate the results of archaeological research, also competently using the main computer tools.



Welcome to the Master's Degree Course in Archaeology. Profession and Knowledge!

Antonino Facella

Where we are

The headquarters of the School of Humanities and its related departments are located in the area around Via Balbi and Piazza della Nunziata. Some of these palazzi are historical palaces of the city of Genoa, known as 'Palazzi dei Rolli'.

For the distribution of the Departments see the acronyms:
DAFIST = Department of Antiquities, Philosophy and History
DIRAAS = Department of Italianistics, Romanistics, Antiquities, Arts and Entertainment
DLCM = Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

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16126 Genova
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  • admission to pathways leading to enrolment in master's degrees (Bridge careers)
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  • request for certificates; request for duplicates
  • enrolment in individual educational activities

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  • general information on courses of study
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  • about study plans
  • on applying for a degree
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Welcome Office

Disability and DSA

Tax and Benefits Office

Internships Office

International Mobility Desk

Student Representatives

Course Committees and Referees

Documents and forms

Guidelines and Regulations

Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded that in order to request adaptations for examinations, they must first enter their certification on the University website at the page in the "Students" section (you will find instructions on how to enter it online in the attachment). The documentation will be checked by the University's Services for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and DSA Department (
. Subsequently, at least 10 days before the date of the exam, an e-mail must be sent to the teacher with whom the exam will be taken, including in copy knowledge of both the School Contact Person for the inclusion of students with disabilities and with DSA (Prof. Elisabetta Colagrossi: and the Sector indicated above. The e-mail must specify:

  • surname, name and matriculation number;
  • .
  • course of study
  • teaching name;
  • date of the call and method of the examination (written or oral);
  • compensatory tools and dispensatory measures deemed functional and required
  • .

The contact person will confirm to the teacher that the applicant has the right to request adaptations in the examination and that these adaptations must be agreed upon with the teacher. The lecturer will respond by informing the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used.

The lecturer will inform the applicant whether the requested adaptations can be used. Requests must be sent at least 10 days before the date of the exam in order to allow the lecturer to assess their content. In particular, if you intend to use concept maps
conceptual maps for the exam (which must be much more concise than the maps used for the study) if the submission does not respect the deadline, there will not be the technical time necessary to make any changes.

For further information on requesting services and adaptations please consult the Guidelines.