The course in brief Presentation The master's degree in Diagnostic Technical Health Professions will be open to graduates in Laboratory Techniques, Radiology Techniques, Neurophysiopathology Techniques and Audiometry Techniques of CLASS L/SNT3 in the diagnostic field. In addition to in-depth study of the disciplines of the relevant profile, the course of study is focused on the acquisition of skills related to management and management, research and teaching. Learning by doing The course provides for the acquisition of 120 CFUs over two years, divided into a theoretical part of lectures and a part of practical internship in the disciplines pertaining to the class of origin. Attendance is compulsory for both the lectures and the curricular internship. Professional outlets Master's graduates of Class LM_SNT/3 intervene in clinical care, management, organizational, training and research processes in the field relevant to diagnostic technical health professions. They can have access to management in health professions departments. The master's degree also provides access to subsequent educational pathways, such as PhD, specialization and second-level university masters. What you will learn Altre professioni tecniche diagnostiche Linee base sulle professioni sanitarie non di afferenza Professione sanitaria di partenza Approfondimento della propria professione di laurea triennale Apprendimento di metodi didattici Finalità: didattica efficace e gestione delle criticità Scienze della gestione sanitaria Lo studente apprenderà a gestire a livello apicali i reparti di afferenza Orientamento alla ricerca Lo studente verrà avviato all'attività di ricerca Programmazione e diritto Lo studente verrà educato alla direzione di reparti di afferenza Did you know that. Lo studio si volge sia in modalità autonoma che in collaborazione, specie nel tirocinio La laurea si prefigge di formare docenti universitari negli specifici SSD Con questa laurea tutte le figure sanitarie potranno raggiungere posizioni apicali Contents The course of study aims at the acquisition at a more advanced level of the disciplinary skills of the profession of origin, integrating them with management-managerial and relational skills, to enable graduates to assume management and coordination roles within technical diagnostic facilities in public and private health care. It also aims to train professionals capable of translating important scientific advances in diagnostics into clinical practice and participating in research activities within multidisciplinary teams. Finally, the course will provide graduates with specific skills in the area of training, to organize continuing education activities and to collaborate with other institutions for the initial training of health care personnel. The training course is divided into two years and within it five areas of learning are identified. Professional area Managerial-managerial area Relational area Research area Pedagogical and training area A number of internship experiences (in various operational contexts of leadership and coordination) are provided in which the student can verify and enhance what he or she has learned in frontal teaching. The second year of the course provides for the development of a thesis, as a final test, which demonstrates the possession and ability to use the skills in the area of research, the 'analysis of problems, acquired during the training. Where we are The Master's Degree in Diagnostic Technical Health Professions, belonging to the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Genoa and afferent to the Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES) of that University and will mainly insist on the health facilities of IRSCCS San Martino in Genoa. Read more DIMES educational secretariat.