The course in brief Presentation The doctoral course in Law aims to train jurists who, while specializing in the different fields traceable to the four curricula provided, acquire: a comprehensive awareness of the complexities that characterize the study of law a specific aptitude for understanding its increasingly pronounced European and international dimensions In fact, the course intends to offer an integrated and interdisciplinary course aimed at providing the necessary skills to deploy a critical and planning approach in relation to the structure and functions of national, European and international law. Training Objectives. The main objective pursued is to enable the acquisition of a specialized culture and to enrich the professional skills necessary for those who aspire to future: scientific research activities, but also to provide a solid foundation for practicing forensic professions in a globalized and multicultural legal environment employment and consulting activities in national and European institutions and international bodies assignments in third sector associations oriented to the protection of fundamental rights For their implementation, the course makes use of the expertise of a selected circle of visiting professors, synergies with public and private bodies and institutes, and dedicated teaching activities, also intended to take place at selected foreign universities. Professional outlets Through the organization of training events, individual research work, as well as involvement in the teaching and research activities of the afferent structures, the doctoral course in Law aims to offer doctoral students a specialized preparation expendable in different professional areas. First and foremost, the course aspires to initiate doctoral students into scientific research activity both in the university and in other public and private research facilities (not surprisingly, the degree is evaluated in academic recruitment procedures). Moreover, the course's teaching activities tend to stimulate the participants' elaborative skills, with a view to making them more competitive with respect to access to the professions (especially the forensic one), as well as to the preparation of particularly difficult competitions, not only at the national level but also and especially at the international and EU level. The knowledge and skills acquired as part of the course also enable Ph.D.s to be employed in national and international institutions, as well as in the legal departments of companies and other entities operating in industry and the third sector. Lastly, even for those who are already employed in the aforementioned occupational fields, the course represents a useful ultra-specialized training and refresher course in the perspective of professional improvement in the context of apex careers. Coordinator Welcome to the doctoral course in Law. Pierluigi Chiassoni International Collaborations For the purpose of implementing curricula for obtaining dual/conjoint degrees and establishing co-tutorials, UniGe has entered into an academic cooperation agreement with the Universidad de Valencia (Spain), to which an Executive Program of Implementation (PEI) is attached. The doctoral course participates in an international training program (Program in European Private Law for Postgraduates), which institutionalizes and coordinates training activities aimed at doctoral students with the involvement of 9 European universities ( In addition to UniGe, its members include: University of Münster (DE), which is the lead partner in the Program University of Cambridge (UK) Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (DE) Bucerius Law School (DE) University of Valencia (SP) Silesian University at Katowice (PL) University of Wroclaw (PL) Catholic University of Leuven (BE) Dedicated site For further information visit Dipartimento di giurisprudenza