Recognized activities These are recognised activities: Laboratories and lectures activated by the Department or recognised by the Course and available under Proposals for other activities Erasmus stay credits acquired during the Erasmus or Cinda programmes: 2 CFU for the acquisition of 12 CFU abroad, 3 CFU for the acquisition of 18 CFU, regardless of the duration of the stay abroad Study period abroad for reasons of study other than the Erasmus+ programme, for a maximum of 3 CFU, assessed on a case-by-case basis by the committee Internships and work placements approved by the study programme and the Department for a total of 3 non-divisible CFUs acquired in 75 hours. The criterion also applies to activities assimilated to internships and apprenticeships undertaken as part of international mobility programmes. Certification of language skills starting from level B1, issued by bodies recognised by UniGe or by an appropriate public and/or private institute, in Italy or abroad, with proof of passing the relevant test. For a total of 3 non-divisible CFUs.N.B.The certification used for the language TA cannot be reused for credits in the Other Activities. Participation in scientific and educational initiatives (conferences, congresses, excavation campaigns and educational trips, seminars, training courses, etc.) under the following conditions . the activity must have been previously accredited by the course of study. presence of a signature sheet recording your participation for the entire duration of the conference or seminar drawing up an articulate and detailed report of the proceedings of the conference or seminar followed and checked by the proposing lecturer (where required) Post-secondary diplomas issued by university or para-university institutes and public bodies, certificates of courses of the same type (3 CFU non-divisible) with proof of passing the relevant examination. Certified Civil Service and carried out at legally recognised institutions (duration of at least one year, for 3 credits), judged by the Commission to be pertinent to the course of study. Certified work activity pertinent to the curriculum as judged by the Commission Other credits and of at least annual duration