What is In order to be admitted to the final examination, you must have passed the examinations of all the subjects included in your study plan and obtained the credits related to the other educational activities stipulated in the regulations. With your paper you must demonstrate that you have acquired the skills of: carry out research on a specific topic know how to use sources and bibliography explain with propriety and command of language the results achieved support the related discussion. The paper must involve the analysis, commentary, possible translation and framing of sources, historical-documentary or historiographical texts, pertaining to the chosen topic. The overall length should be between 30 and 60 folders (folder is 2000 Word characters, including spaces). To graduate you will need to have acquired all 180 CFUs required by the regulations. Attachments Document regolamento-tesi-di-laurea-triennale-DAFIST_05-07-2023.pdf Document Frontespizio tesi di laurea triennale DAFIST Document Norme redazionali Plagiarism check. Students are expected to use sources properly, citing them appropriately both in the text and in the final bibliography and always quoting others' words in quotation marks. In order to combat the misuse of sources available on the web, the texts of the final papers are subjected to an anti-plagiarism check using special software. If the thesis advisor believes that the student has not used sources correctly, he or she may require the student to revise the thesis in its entirety and, if necessary, to postpone the dissertation to a later session.