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I semester a.y. 2024/2025

Mutualised by the CdS in Conservation of Cultural Heritage


Lecturer: Paolo Antonino Maria Triolo

Start: 8 November 2024

Time: Fridays 15-19 (3 meetings of 4 hours each)

Where: Classroom H (Balbi 4)

Methods:in-person (face-to-face and interactive lectures; practical-application lessons in the laboratory).

To enrol, please send an email between 16 September and the start date of the workshop to the email address of the lecturer, indicating "LAB SUBJECT: ENROLLMENT LABORATORY" in the subject line and specifying your first name, surname, matriculation number, course of study and year of course.

The course is open to all students.

Training objectives

  • Knowledge and understanding of the historical and theoretical foundations of IR and UV fluorescence investigation and the standards of correct documentation
  • Understanding of the potential and methodologies of IR investigation in relation to the role of the art historian, in particular for the study of underdrawing.
  • Application of the knowledge acquired in the laboratory or on site.
  • Understanding of results, evaluation of the condition of the cultural asset examined in relation to the conservation process.
  • Ability to translate, by means of written or oral reports, the information obtained from the diagnostic surveys; critical comparison of the results among students and with the lecturer in relation to information from other lecturers on the course or from external sources.


A. Theoretical lectures (with video support and slides)

  1. historical and technical introduction to IR reflectography and UV fluorescence
  2. casing and interpretation of data on archive material
  3. methodology for autopsy and imaging diagnostic analysis; DIAGNOSTIC REPORT writing
  4. integrated reading and comparison between teams

B. Practical lessons (with computer support)>

  1. Colour correction for visible light and multispectral scope
  2. Postproduction for false colours
  3. Data saving
  4. Multilevel files for diagnostic reading

C. Practical lessons at external museum venue (with technical equipment provided by LABIR Osiris InGaAs laboratory and lecturer's staff)

  1. General methodology for surveying in photography and IR reflectography
  2. General methodology for UV fluorescence survey

D. Independent student activity 

  1. Diagnostic reading and technical-stylistic analysis of a different work for each student (acquired or repertory materials)
  2. .
  3. Preparation of a basic diagnostic report
  4. Ideation (not planning) of an integrated intervention for the protection, restoration and valorisation of the work in question (constitution of the working group, information dissemination options)

Learning outcomes

  • D.1 Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical foundations of UV reflectography and fluorescence and the standards of correct documentation; understanding of the potential, difficulties and methodology of the above techniques
  • D.2 Laboratory application of the acquired knowledge; practical execution of basic diagnostic measurements; ability to solve basic problems related to the practical application of the acquired knowledge
  • D.3 Evaluation of the survey conditions and ability to adapt; selection of the diagnostic techniques most consistent with the case history and ability to cross-reference the data; understanding of the results, recognition (non-assessment) of the condition of the cultural object examined in relation to the conservation process.
  • D.4 Ability to translate into written or oral reports the information obtained from the surveys with the two aforementioned techniques; critical comparison of results
  • D.5 Learning to know the conservation condition of a work also through alternative or non-priority diagnostic surveys and through secondary and accessory elements to optimise the interpretation of data

Learning material

The teaching material prepared by the lecturer (in addition to the texts listed) and any communications from the lecturer especially for teaching can be found within the Teams platform.


  • Maria Clelia Galassi, Il disegno svelato- progetto e immagine nella pittura italiana del primo Rinascimento, Ilisso, Nuoro,1998
  • Marco Cardinali, Dalla diagnostica artistica alla technical art history, KERMES-Lexis, Torino,2020
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  • Paolo Antonino Maria Triolo, Manuale pratico di documentazione e diagnostica per immagine per i BB.CC., Il Prato, Padova, 2019
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  • G. Verri, J. Cupitt, Multispectral Imaging in Reflectance and Photo-induced Luminescence modes: A User Manual, Charisma Project, British Museum, 2013 (online)


  • AA.VV., La fabbrica dei colori, Il Bagatto, Rome 1986
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  • Aldrovandi A., Picollo M., Metodi di documentazione e di indagini non invasive sui dipinti, Il prato, Padova, 2001.
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  • Matteini M., Moles A., Scienza e restauro, Nardini Editore, Firenze, 1998
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  • Poldi G., Villa G., Dalla conservazione alla storia dell'arte, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa, 2006
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  • M. Cardinali, M.B. De Ruggieri, C. Falcucci, Diagnostica Artistica, Palombi Editori, 2002