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The final grade is the result of the sum of:

  • curricular average (expressed in one hundredths)
  • evaluation of the final paper: the maximum total score attributable to the final paper is 8 points assigned as follows:
    • from 0 to 6 points to the quality of the paper
    • from 0 to 2 points to the ability to present and discuss the paper, or responding to questions formulated by the co-rapporteur and the committee
  • eventual period abroad: if you have earned
    • from 6 to 11 cfu you will have to add 0.5 points
    • from 12 to 18 cfu you will have to add 1 point
    • beyond 18 CFUs you will have to add 2 points
  • the grade 30 cum laude: translates to 31 whatever the number of CFUs of the teaching

The final grade will be rounded:

  • by default, if the decimals are less than or equal to 5
  • by excess, if the decimals are greater than 5

Final exam grade for students enrolled from a.y. 2009/10 to a.y. 2016/17

The final grade results from the sum of:

  • averagecurricular (expressed in hundredths): consists of the arithmetic average of your grades and weighted in relation to the number of CFUs attributed to each teaching or other educational activity
  • lodes achieved in examinations: each praise involves an addition of 0.5 points
  • evaluation of the final paper: the maximum score is 5 points divided as follows:
    • from 0 to 3 points for the quality of the written paper
    • from 0 to 2 points for the ability to present and discuss the paper, responding to questions formulated by the lecturer of reference and other members of the committee

The final grade will be rounded:

  • by default, when decimals are less than or equal to 5
  • by excess, when decimals are greater than 5

The final test is passed if you obtained a grade of not less than 66 points out of 110.

If your score reaches (or exceeds) 110, the committee may award honors only if:

  • your career has a score of at least 104
  • you have been awarded 6 points for the thesis

To obtain honors, your thesis advisor must notify the director of the request before the graduation session. The director will appoint two co-rapporteurs and also forward the reasoned request to the committee members.

Honor and dignity of press must be voted unanimously.
