Teaching Vademecum What is a CFU A Credito Formativo Universitario (CFU) is the Italian equivalent of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One CFU corresponds to an average of 25 hours of work, including classroom lectures, labs, projects, and independent preparation. What is the degree A bachelor's degree program aims to ensure your mastery of general scientific methods and content and the acquisition of specific professional knowledge.To earn a bachelor's degree, you must acquire 180 CFUs, equal to 3 years of study.You can enter the degree if you have earned a high school diploma.You can enter the degree if you have earned a high school diploma. Study plan This is the pathway that includes all the educational activities (lectures, labs, etc.) you have to do to earn your degree. Some activities are mandatory, others must be chosen from several options, and still others are free choice. The study plan must be filled out each year. Filling out the study plan, by the set deadlines and correctly, is essential for you to be able to register and take exams.Study plans are filled out in the month of October exclusively online from the Online Services for students.The Standard Plans will automatically spill over into careers, immediately after the compilation deadline (in early November);The Individual Plans must be emailed to the Student Desk by the deadline. The office will forward them to the referring professors for review and, if filled out correctly, submitted to the Course Council for approval.In case of difficulty in filling out you can avail yourself of the support of the student tutors, who conduct reception at Room O in Via Balbi 4. Study plan This is the pathway that includes all the educational activities (lectures, labs, etc.) you have to take to earn your degree. Some activities are mandatory, others must be chosen from several options, and still others are free choice. The study plan must be filled out each year. Filling out the study plan, by the deadline and correctly, is essential for you to be able to register and take exams.Study plans are filled out in the month of October exclusively online from the Online Services for students.The office that manages the entry of the study plan in the students' careers is the Sportello Unico.In case of difficulty in filling in you can avail yourself of the support of the student tutors, who hold reception at Room O in Via Balbi 4. Teaching sheets In the fact sheet of each teaching published on the UniGe website you will find information about the objectives and content, bibliography, lecturer in charge of the course, examination methods. Class schedule You can check the class schedule through the Easyacademy. portal. Evaluation of teaching Students, both attending and non-attending, must fill out the evaluation questionnaire by accessing the Online Services page of UniGe. There are two surveys available: Teaching Assessment and Annual Course of Study Assessment, both anonymous. For the evaluation of individual teachings you will need to wait until the curriculum is entered in your career. Examinations You can consult the calendar of exam appeals through the Easyacademy portal. Registration for exams is compulsory and should generally be done at least 5 days before the date of the exam you want to register for (or other deadline set by the professor).Registration should be done online from the dedicated page. From here you can view the exams that have been included in the syllabus and for which an appeal of your choice can be booked. In addition, you can view the exams for which you have already booked and possibly cancel your booking. Tutoring service Tutors are a point of reference for students, especially freshmen.The tutors are available for assistance in filling out study plans and other paperwork, such as filling out the graduation application. The tutors are always available by e-mail to answer questions from their colleagues.The orientation tutors receive weekly in Balbi 4, room O, ground floor; the teaching tutors support in the preparation of exams or individual teaching units, practice for classical language tests, and can also be a support in the editorial aspects of final exams with their efforts. Read the Freshman Handbook for more information.