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Se ti sei immatricolato nell'a.a. 2022/23 devi sostenere una verifica di lingua inglese per verificare che tu sia in possesso del livello B2 richiesto.

Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito del Dipartimento o rivolgiti al docente di inglese indicato nel Manifesto per l'a.a. corrente.

What is

If you matriculated in A.Y. 2022/23, you need to take an English language test to verify that you have the required B2 level.

To get all the necessary information, such as dates, waivers, and how to take the test, visit the dedicated page on the Language Skills Development Sector website.



Did you pass the Assessment test?

If you passed the Assessment test:

  • you do not have to take the 1st year English 1 course
  • you must take the English 2, 3 and 4 course
  • you must take the exam in the 4th year (Methodologies in Medicine)
  • .


If you failed the Assessment test you must attend:

  • the 1st year English course
  • the English 2, 3 and 4 course


If you have a valid B2 certification


Upload here your certification.

